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             The air smelt of cherries and glazed bread. Steam quickly dispersed throughout the cozy house, filling every room with its aroma. The pie was nearly done cooking, its crust turning to a golden brown. From the kitchen could be heard the faint ding of an oven timer. It was finished. Yet the house remained silent apart from the sound of wind rustling in the window curtains. So the pie continued to cook as it waited to be removed from its fiery prison. But as the minutes past, no one came. The sweet air was swiftly replaced with the smell of smoke rising. As smoke spilled out of the open windows the pie began to blacken. Its cherry filling started to leak out its sides and spill onto the oven floor. Fire rose from the chaos, latching onto anything it touched.

             As the fire spread, it took with it countless memories. Among the items were a broken hockey stick, the scribbles of a young child, and a family portrait that hung crooked and shattered on the wall. And in the center of the room stood a camera, its recording light flashing red as it documented the entire scene.

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