Scent of New Beginnings

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Hey everyone, sorry for the late upload! Let me explain and give you a quick heads-up about how things are going to roll with this story from here on out. These chapters have been growing longer because I have just so much to say and do in the story, and I want to make sure I'm giving my best in every chapter.
Each chapter is packing more than 3,000 words as I've got lots to cover, and because of this, it's taking me a bit longer to get everything just right—from writing it out to editing and making the final draft. So, I'm shifting to weekly updates from now on. This way, I can ensure the quality of the chapters remains up to the mark.

Thanks so much for sticking around and being patient. Your enthusiasm means the world to me, and I can't wait to keep sharing this journey with you, just now at a pace that lets us all enjoy it a bit more!

Catch you with a new chapter every week!


Chapter Summary:

They say, "When one door closes, another opens." Is it true though? And even if it is, will it be good for the people in our story?


Scent of a Man

Chapter 6: Scent of New Beginnings

"Hi, am I speaking to Mr.Shubman Gill?"
"Yeah, sorry, who is this?"
"Hi Shubman, I am Sara, Sara Tendulkar. You remember me, right?"

How could anyone forget Sara Tandulkar? The daughter of the God of cricket, a very pretty and lively girl whom Shub had met a few weeks back during a promotional event.
As far as he could remember, they did chat for a bit, and if she was anyone else other than the daughter of the Great Sachin Tendulkar, Shub wouldn't have hesitated at all to ask for her number. But, given her identity, he wasn't sure if that would be appropriate. However, to his utter astonishment, it was Sara who ended up asking for his contact information instead! He was practically buzzing with excitement all the way back to the hotel; hardly sleeping that night in anticipation of a possible text from her.
But the text had never come, nor had a call, well, atleast until now.
And that was Shub's first thought! Why now? Just why? When everything was a mess? When he himself was a mess?
He was not even going to receive that call, but the ringing went on and on from under the bed where he had tossed his phone earlier in frustration, and Shub couldn't take it anymore. So he reached under the bed, grabbed his phone and swiped to answer the call from the unknown number.

And now he was too stunned to speak.

"Hey, you still there?", the sweet voice on the other side spoke up again.

Shub blinked away his confusion, "Y-yeah!", was all he managed, his voice hoarse from the earlier screaming and crying.

"Are you okay? You", Sara's next question made it clear how noticeable Shub's sore throat was.
"Well, i-it's's nothing, really!", Shub responded quickly, eager to shift away from his own discomfort.
"If you say so", you could sense that she didn't believe him, "Anyway, I was just thinking, you know, umm, I really had a great time that night at the event with, I was just...wondering if you would like to hang out sometimes? Only if you are up for it!"

This was so unexpected, Shub didn't even know what to reply. What was happening? And why  now of all times?
"Uh, yeah, sure," he finally managed to say, trying to mask what was actually going on in his mind with a hesitant laugh. "That sounds great, actually."
"Awesome!", Sara sounded so cheerful, "Does tomorrow work?"
"Wait, are you in Australia right now?" This was another shock for Shub. How much more was to come?
"Yes!", she laughed, "I knew you were coming on this tour, how could I let go of this opportunity?"

Scent of a Man (Ishman/Shubish/Ishdik/Shubman Gill x Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now