Part 5- The Boy

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Part 5:

The assembly was an introduction to the school. The students were shown their lockers, classrooms and introduced to their main class. Harry felt grateful to have Justin in his primary class and noticed that the girls were with each-other too. They were given a brief tour of the campus, most of it drab and gray. The boy noticed a small garden that the teacher skipped over. A large tree, surrounded by a patch of green grass. Harry pointed it out to Justin. 'Hey, maybe we can study there.' Justin's face lit up at the sight of a spot of colour. 'Yeah, that's great! This place is so depressing.' Harry nodded in agreement, straining his ears to hear what Madame Gall was saying.

After the tour, students were handed timetables and sent away. 'You have half an hour to move your things into your lockers and be at your first class.' Madame Gall instructed. Harry was using a brown rucksack that Justin had lent him, and filled it up with textbooks he had taken from Dudley's room. Dudley had never even opened them, so Harry figured he wouldn't notice. Their lockers were next to the boys toilets and as Harry loaded up his locker with books, he heard squealing from the bathroom. He nudged Justin. 'Who do ya reckon is making such a racket? I wish they wouldn't, I already have a headache.'

Justin hurriedly walked towards the entrance, Harry cautiously following. A young boy, about 3 years old, was pinned against a wall by three giant boys. Harry suppressed a quick smirk and glanced at his friend. Just as Harry turned away to leave, Justin marched through the doorway. 'Stupid bravery.' Harry hissed under his breath, staying hidden away. 'What are you three doing!! Who is this kid?? He is too young to be here anyway!' Justin addressed the boys furiously. 

'And who might you be?' The largest thug leered at him. 'Justin Longbottom.' He replied, holding his ground. Harry cursed under his breath. Why would he say his last name? He was asking for it now. The three howled with laughter. 'Well Longbottom, this is my lil' Bro, Colin. Colin thought he would sneak on over to visit me, instead of staying home as he should. Now he needs to pay the price.' The bully pronounced his name with a mocking tone. Justin's eyes flashed angrily and he strode forwards. Harry swore again, why was he being so stupid? In a swift movement, Justin swung his fist at the boy, landing it on his nose. Now the bully lost his temper. Grabbing Justin by the neck, he pinned him against the grotty, tiled wall.

Just as Harry thought he may have to run for help, Justin shoved the boy, with more force than anyone could do normally. 'He may be special too!' Harry's heart started racing as he watched the scene unfold. Justin knocked over both thugs holding Colin with a mere glance, no contact required, and picked up Colin. Harry peeked around the corner, motioning for Justin to send the boy to him. Justin slid the shocked child across the tiles to Harry's feet. Harry scooped him up and hurried down the corridor. He swiftly crossed the grounds until he reached the gates. 'Do you know your way home?' He knelt down next to the child. Colin nodded, trembling. 'I just live in th-that house there.'  He pointed to a house just down the street. Harry nodded, swiftly picking the lock on the gate and holding the child's hand as he crossed the road. After telling Colin's mother a simple story, 'Colin had snuck into the school but once he had found him, he had been quick to bring him home again', Harry snuck back across the road, re-locked the gate, and sped off to his locker. 

He found Justin there waiting for him. 'Did you get the kid to the office?' 'Nah.' Replied Harry. 'I took him straight home to his mother. It seemed easier. The gate was easy to force and the lady was quick to believe my story.' Justin stared. 'The house was just across the road, a few seconds walk. There was a gap I noticed in the fence, I think that's how he got in.' Justin still looked shocked. After a moment his eyes flashed with anger. 'So you just sent a kid off by themselves? To cross a road? And you didn't even tell his mother about her son being a bully? And how Colin could have gotten hurt? And-' 

Harry cut off Justin's rant. 'Relax mate. I crossed the road with him and took him to his door. And if I had of told the mother about her son being a bully, you surely would've gotten suspended, perhaps even lost your boarding rights.' He shot a look at his friend. 'And questions would've been asked about the.. Incident.' Justin looked taken aback. 'You noticed?..' Harry smirked. 'Course I did mate. You knocked over two gorilla's without touching them. That's pretty noticeable.' Justin ducked his head and muttered something almost inaudible, along the lines of, 'It was nothing.' The black-haired boy smirked at his friend once more before handing him a stack of books. 'C'mon mate, class is in 4 minutes, the girls will be mad if we miss it.'

The boys traipsed off to math, just down the hall from their lockers. Harry glanced forward to see Iris glaring at them. 'You were almost late! Class starts in 1 minute!' 'Relax Iris, we had plenty of time.' Harry replied easily. 'Plus, Justin's been busy.' Iris spun around, her mouth opening to speak. Amy burst out laughing at Harry's grin, Justin's uneasiness and Iris' outrage that they had been busy in the first official half an hour of school. 'Yeah, maybe stay away from those three over there.' Justin mumbled. 'You've already made enemies??!' Amy said. 'And the three Toms of all people!' 'Who?' The three chorused. 'The three Toms. Three great big thugs that are all named Tom and are notorious Bullies!' Amy ended her speech with her usual exclamation mark. Iris turned on them. 'Now what did you do?' 

The rest of the first day went pretty normally. Harry and Justin were in all of each others classes, sometimes they had the girls too. History was taught by an ancient old man named professor Binns, who was more than happy just to drone on for hours on end. His voice was dull and he practically ignored all of the students. Justin and Harry spent the lesson playing hangman on the edge of their books. Harry had scrawled a few notes down, but not much. However, when Harry left the room, he saw him clean the board with a snap of his fingers.

Math was taken by Madame Gall. She was strict, but once you earned her praise, it was a great achievement. She inspired all of her students to do well, but took no nonsense from anyone. She particularly seemed fond of Justin, despite him not being spectacular at math. They had science class, taught by a stiff old man named Tobias Snape. He loved nothing more than having countless beakers set up over flames and watching them burn. Rumour had it he fancied a middle aged teacher called Eileen. He had a hooked nose and greasy hair. He was cruel and mean, quick to give any detentions. Amy received one for accidently burning her wrist, much to Iris' displeasure. 

After the first three lessons, the school was dismissed, and Harry, Amy, Justin and Iris headed to the library to finish math and science homework. 'It's the first day...' Justin moaned, head in hands. Harry patted him on the back while rolling his eyes at Iris who suppressed a laugh. Once every student had left, the foursome retreated to their rooms and changed. Flopping on his bed, Harry sighed. 'This is sooo comfortable' He sighed. Justin turned towards him. 'Comfortable? That thing's a brick. You're acting like you have never had a bed before mate.' Harry flushed and turned away not wanting Justin to know the truth behind those words. One day, perhaps, he would tell him the truth about his past, but not yet.

A/N : Sorry for a note. I just wanted to clear some things up, but.. Thank you so much for reading this book!!! So, at the end of this book, Hogwarts does get founded by the original four founders. This book ends where the first book (Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone by J.K Rowling) begins. Also, some familiar names huh? You'll see why lots of characters have them soon... Ish. So here is a class list of what I imagine things represent.

History: History of Magic

Math: Transfiguration

Science: Potions

Physical Education: Flying

Music: Divination

Business/Politics: DADA

English: Charms

Geography: Herbology

Philosophy: Astrology

Technology?? : Muggle studies???

I don't really know yet that much, tell me anymore suggestions if I missed anything. Also this book is gonna be really confusing, and it will make even less sense if you are unfamiliar with the original Harry Potter books. 


Cheers- Rogfforg

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