Chapter 1

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"The policeman says, 'Sit here,' while tying the hand with handcuffs.

Roshan is sitting on the bench."

"A few hours ago, I was the richest and most respected person in this city, and I will remain so if my bail is granted before tomorrow morning. I didn't know my life would come to this point. I've always planned my life, and everything has happened according to plan, except for this one aspect,I always have Plan A and Plan B ready as backups, but today, sitting on this bench in this cell, I don't have any Plan A or Plan B."

"You need to sign here," the policeman says, bringing a register.

"Sorry," I inquire.

"Sign here," the policeman says, with a hint of anger.

"I won't sign anywhere without consulting my lawyer," I say in one breath. The policeman gives an angry look and walks away from there.

"I am Roshan, 35 years old, and I have always been single. Ever since I was born, something my parents taught me has stuck with me: always strive ahead, study hard to achieve your goals, and stay away from frivolous activities,From school to college, I had a limited circle of friends, all of whom were male. Since I didn't have any female pets at home, how could I have made friends with girls? Despite this, through hard work, I am now a renowned investment banker, I have a villa and a hobby of collecting luxury cars, but not everyone can attain my lifestyle; some desires remain unfulfilled for everyone, even including me,After my parents passed away, there was no one left in my life. While they were alive, I lacked nothing, but gradually, after their departure, I started feeling a void in my life. Despite having such a big villa, I began to feel loneliness more acutely. This continued for some time until one evening, while sipping coffee on my terrace, I saw a pair of birds together, and it struck me that what I had been missing in attaining all this was a partner. Now, I feel the need for someone in my life, but I don't know how to go about it because I've never thought about it before. However, I've decided that I will embark on a journey from zero to one to find that person.

Love Ju Short Stories Series 1- "35 Not Out"Where stories live. Discover now