|| Volume 1, Chapter 6 || ''Birthday Bash''

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Daniel was driving towards the City Hall, and the agents weren't sure what to make of it. "I don't know, guys... Why would we be needed at City Hall of all places? That sounds serious." Kali asked, Aurora looking out the window. 
"I'm not sure, Kali. But whatever it is, we can handle it! I mean, we've had a pretty good handle of things so far, right?" Aurora said, with a smile. 
"I guess, but we've only really 'handled' two major missions so far. The other instances has just been the occasional mugging or robbery. Not saying those aren't serious, but you know." Barry said, his head resting on his hand. 
"Don't worry, guys. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Whatever's going on, we'll figure it out." Argile said with a calm voice, Daniel grinning. 
"Don't you guys go freaking out, now. You act like it's the first time you've been called to action. So what if it's to City Hall? If it was something bad, I think Thomas would've made it clear." he said, Aurora nodding in agreement. Finally, they arrived at City Hall. Aurora had only been here on a few occasions, none of which happened recently enough for her to fully remember. The agents stepped out of the car and there stood Thomas Kennedy, at the stairs that lead up to the main entrance. Aurora peeked back into the car. "Thanks for the ride, Dan." she said, Daniel winking. 
"No problem, buddy. Good luck with whatever the big man's got in store for you." he replied, Aurora backing away as he drove off. 

"There's my favorite FBI squad." Thomas said kindly as the agents approached him. 
"And there's my favorite grizzled old man!" Aurora poked fun at him, as she nudged him with her shoulder. Thomas chuckled and smiled at her. 
"I see you and your team has been busy recently. Good job on those missions, everyone." Thomas congratulated them, the agents beaming. 
"We just did what needed to be done." Barry replied.
"It was an honor to put those guys away." Argile added.
"Lifting weights is fun!" Kali said, confusing Thomas.
"Uh... Right. Anyways, you may be wondering why I called you to City Hall." Thomas continued, the agents looking at him. He began walking up the stairs and they followed him. "It turns out, that news report caught the Mayor's attention, and your efforts haven't gone unnoticed. When you put Alva Gould away, he realized how valuable it is having a squadron protecting the city, so he wants to request you protect something else he holds dear. Not sure what, but if your past missions are anything to go off of, I'd say you're going to handle it quite well." Thomas explained, the agents looking at each other.
"The Mayor?? Wants to see us?? Guys, do I look okay?" Aurora said, the others laughing. 
"C'mon, the Mayor's a citizen, just like the rest of us. He's just got a fancy title, that's all." Barry replied, hands in his pockets. 
"I mean, at least it's good news. We're glad to lend the Mayor a helping hand with anything." Argile said as they approached an office. 
"Good, because you're gonna have to anyway." Thomas joked, pushing the doors open.

They all walked into the office, where the Mayor was sitting at his desk, a nameplate sat on the desk that read, "Mayor Cory Keyhiwan". Thomas stood by the doors and the agents walked towards the desk. The mayor looked up and smiled. "Hey! If it isn't the fabled Houston Squadron! Welcome to the City Hall." Mayor Cory said enthusiastically, Aurora smiling with a wave. 
"Hello, sir! My name is Aurora Brown, and this is Argile Knapp, Barry Langan, and Kali Young. We're very honored to have your company." Aurora introduced her team, the Mayor getting up and happily taking Aurora's hand in a handshake. 
"No, thank you! I've been looking forward to this ever since you took down Alva! Please, take a seat, all of you." he insisted, the agents taking a seat, the mayor sitting down as well. "So, you've been at this for nearly a month now. And can I just say, I couldn't be happier?" the Mayor said, as he got up and started pacing. "Crime in Houston has always been high, and of course I trust the Law Enforcement, but the criminals they deal with have always been a bit much, like that ridiculous Hackler guy." the mayor explained, Aurora looking quite embarrassed of that one. "But, do you realize just how much of a dent you've made in the city? Why, just look!" the Mayor went over and pulled the blinds of a window up, the agents looking out to see kids at play in a basketball court. "That... That's beauty right there. Kids being able to play! Not having to worry about some criminal offering them something, or kidnapping them, or hurting them. Just playing blissfully! And it's one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you directly. To say, thank you, for helping the city heal from years of crime." the Mayor said with a grateful expression, taking a seat again. 

"Well, we're glad to have helped the city, Mister Mayor! We were told you wanted us to do something...?" Kali asked, the Mayor nodding. 
"As you may know, I have a daughter, her name is Mari. She's having a birthday party tomorrow, she'll be turning fourteen! And I was wondering-" the Mayor started explaining, Barry's expression turning sour.
"You want us to be clowns?" he asked bluntly, the Mayor laughing.
"Heavens, no! We have that part covered. I just want you to be there to offer security, to ensure that nothing ruins her special day." the Mayor replies, the agents looking at each other. 
"I mean, we'd be honored, sir! We'll make sure it's the best party she's ever been to!" Aurora said proudly, the Mayor grinning. Thomas smiled from across the room, pulling his phone out and texting Daniel. 
"Thank you all so much. You represent everything I love about this city. Bravery! Dignity! Togetherness! And of course, technical advancement." the Mayor said happily, the agents smiling. 
"Well, thank you for having us, Mayor. We'll be there. And where's this shindig taking place, anyway?" Barry asked, the Mayor going to look out his window. 
"It'll be at my house, tomorrow at noon. I believe Thomas will arrange your ride there." the Mayor answered, Thomas nodding. 
"Yes, indeed. Everything will be arranged. We're pleased to lend our services to you, Mister Mayor." he said respectfully, the Mayor walking over to Thomas and chuckling. "And I look forward to seeing your agents at work, Mister Kennedy." the Mayor said respectfully back, walking out of the room, the agents getting up.

The agents returned home, for a good night's rest before the party, as their little trip beforehand had taken up most of the day. Barry was cooking some dinner as the others sat at the dining table. "So, here's what I don't get. He wants us to provide security at his daughter's birthday party. Why not just hire some police officers for the job?" Barry asked, as he stirred the food. 
"I think it's a trust thing. I mean, stopping robbers and taking out Alva aren't easy tasks, after all." Aurora answered proudly, Kali nodding.
"Maybe he trusts us to handle it more effectively?" she said, Argile smiling.
"Guys, I really think you're overthinking it. The Mayor asked US to be on guard duty for his kid's birthday party. That means he trusts us with her life, and we aren't going to disappoint. Right?" she said, Kali and Aurora nodding, and Barry sighing. 
"Yeah, I guess you're right. I mean, it's our job, and I'm happy to do it. But what could possibly happen at a birthday? I mean, Alva, I understand. Robots are valuable. And so is cash, so the robbers also make sense. But, what twisted bastard is gonna crash a birthday party?" Barry asked, Aurora scowling. 
"Do you really want the universe to answer that?" she asked, Barry chuckling.
"I guess not. Anyway, dinner's ready. Spaghetti, my mom's specialty." Barry brought over four plates, placing them in front of each agent. 
"Nice! You got any parmesan?" Aurora asked, Barry sitting next to her.
"Uh, no. You ran through it last week, remember?" he replied, Aurora chuckling.
"Oh, right. Sorry!" she replied, Kali chuckling. And so, the agents enjoyed their meal, and had a nice night before their next job. Later in the night, in the hallway, electronical sounds could be heard from Barry's room. Aurora and Argile peeked out of their rooms. "What's going on...? It's like, 2am..." Argile said tiredly Aurora yawning and shrugging. 
"I don't know, girl... He's probably like, working on another gadget thing. At 2am. I'm sure he'll tire himself out." Aurora said tiredly as she yawned and returned to her room. Argile thought about asking Barry to keep it down, but decided to just go to bed.

The next day, at around 11:30am, Daniel was driving them to the Mayor's house. He was wearing a fancy suit, a longshot from his usual clothing. "It's a little pompous, isn't it?" Aurora asked, visually showing her displeasure in his wear. He scoffed, "Sorry, darling. I think you're just mad that you don't look as fly as me-" Daniel said with a smirk right as Aurora flipped him off. "Yeesh, what side of who's bed did you wake up on?" he asked, Aurora crossing her arms.
"Don't ever call me darling again, Danny." she said with a snarling expression, Daniel chuckling.
"Sorry, princess." he poked further.
"I SWEAR TO YOU, I'LL-" Aurora shouted right as Daniel suddenly stopped the car.
"Oh, look! We're here!" Daniel said, grinning at her. Aurora rolled her eyes and smacked the back of his head before her and the others got out of the car. Rubbing his head, he got out as well. The Mayor and his family were standing by the entrance to the house, and his fabled daughter noticed them. The agents (and Daniel) walked over to them. "Dad, are these the agents you told me about??" the girl, whose name is 'Mari', asked excitedly, Cory nodding. 
"Yes, that's them. Everyone, this is my daughter, Mari. She's been waiting for you." he said with a smile, Mari circling around the agents. 
"Wow! Real life FBI agents! I can't believe you got AGENTS to come to MY party! You're the best dad EVER!" Mari exclaimed happily, hugging Cory's legs, who pat her head. 
"Haha, well, you know. I'd hate for anything to happen on today, of all days!" he said, Aurora smiling at this wholesome moment. "And, it's really rare I can find this much time to be away from the Mayor's office and with my family, and you know I'm gonna make the most of it, sweetie." Cory added, Mari smiling sweetly. 
"I should hope so." the woman beside him commented, presumably his wife. 
"Oh, where are my manners? Squad, this is my wife, Danya. The love of my life." Cory said, Mari sticking her tongue out in disgust. 

"Oh, honey, I don't need a whole introduction. But, thank you all for coming all this way for our little girl. It means the world to both of us, really." Danya said with a sincere smile, Aurora shaking her hand. 
"No problem, ma'am! You all seem like a nice family, and we're more than happy to give you all a party with no worries." Aurora said, smiling. 
"This family's so wholesome, it's adorable!" Argile said, Kali nodding.
"It's so cute, it makes me wish it was my birthday!" she adds, Barry smiling.
"Well, what are we waiting out here for? Let's get inside and get the party started, huh?" Cory said, Mari excitedly running inside. Danya, Cory, Daniel, and the agents followed. The inside was filled with all sorts of birthday decorations. The corner of the room was piled high with birthday presents and Mari was talking with some other kids in the kitchen, probably her friends from school. "Where do you want us, Mister Mayor?" Aurora asked, Cory shrugging. "Just pick anywhere! And, please. I'm not the Mayor right now. Just call me Cory, Aurora. But, just because you're our security doesn't mean you can't enjoy the party a little! There's food in the kitchen, games in the living room, a grill outside! Make yourselves at home. You're not just our agents, you're our guests." Cory said with a smile, walking with Danya to the kitchen. Aurora looked at the others and shrugged.
"Uh... I guess just walk around and report anything suspicious?" she said, the others nodding and going in different directions. Barry and Argile went outside, Aurora went to the kitchen, Kali went upstairs, and Daniel sat down in the living room.

Barry and Argile walked outside and saw the grill. "My kind of party." Barry thought right as someone approached them 
"Yo! Are you guys some of those agents Cory was talking about?" a man asked, holding a bottle. Argile smiled and waved at the man. 
"Uh, yeah. What's up?" Barry replied, the guy grinning.
"Dude, that's AWESOME! You gotta tell me, who's the WORST bad guy you've ever had to take down?" he asked, taking a drink from his bottle. Barry and Argile looking at each other. 
"Well, uh, we haven't really 'taken down' many bad guys... Really, just Alva Gould and those robbers. But, we did have to bust one guy for stealing an undercover FBI car, which was really funny to tell our boss about." Barry explained, the guy laughing. 
"Dude, that's epic! Cory told me you guys were fun to be around, and he wasn't lying! You here to hang out? The grill's good today! Why don't you grab a hot dog?" he asked, inviting Barry to the grill. He figured he should say no, he was on duty. He looked at Argile, who nodded. "You go ahead, Barry. I'll take the first watch, you go enjoy a hot dog." she said kindly, Barry smiling and looking back at the guy. "... Uh, sure, why not?" he said, walking with the guy to the grill. Barry smiled, it's been a while since he attended a party. Argile went to the opposite corner of the yard, and began her watch for anything suspicious.   

Aurora was in the kitchen, sitting on a stool by the kitchen counter. She was drinking some of the punch being served, but also keeping an eye out for anyone suspicious. Mari and a few other kids ran up to her. "Hey, hey! Aurora, right? These are my friends, Nicole and Grace! We really like you, ma'am!" Mari said happily, Aurora smiling. 
"Aww, that's so sweet of you. Thank yo-" Aurora began saying before being interrupted.
"What's it like to punch bad guys??" Grace asked, Aurora chuckling.
"It's pretty cool. Knuckles hurt a lot more, but it's a fair tradeoff!" she replied.
"Is being a leader exciting??" Nicole asked, Aurora thinking.
"I mean, a bit stressful, but I'm growing to like my little team." Aurora replied.
"What's it like being so cool?" Mari asked, Aurora scoffing.
"It's literally epic." she said with a smile, the kids giggling.
"Thank you, Miss Aurora!" Mari said as they all ran off. Aurora smiled and took a sip of her punch.
"You're welcome, kiddo. You're welcome." she thought to herself. Cory and Danya sat across from her, holding hands. 
"Thank you again for this, Aurora. I can't say that enough. I know I keep saying it, but I want you to know how grateful we are that you all came." Cory said, Aurora taking a sip from her drink. 
"It's all good, sir! We were happy enough to help the city a little bit, but helping you? We could never say no to that!" Aurora replied happily, Danya and Cory looking at each other and smiling.

Kali was upstairs looking out the window, looking for any cars that may seem a little suspicious, but all she saw was the catering duo arrive, so nothing out of the ordinary. She leaned against the window frame and sighed. "I guess there's not much that happens on a stakeout like this. But, better safe than sorry, I suppose." she thought herself, as she watched the cars pass the house. Argile saw the catering people arrive, and smiled as Mari began excitedly talking to them. "It must be nice having all this set up for a single party... Wait, what?" she looked back again, and they were gone. She looked around, walking around the yard. Kali looked down and gasped, sitting up from leaning to see the two catering people leading Mari into the car. She hastily got her radio out. "Argile! Quick! The catering people are taking Mari in their car! Catering people don't do that!!" she said through the radio, Argile rushing to get to the front yard, running past Barry. "Uh, hey, I'll uh, be right back..." Barry told the people, running after Argile. The two got to the front yard and saw the car with Mari in it driving off. "No!" Argile exclaimed, trying to run after it. 
"Don't worry, I got this!" Barry said, pulling out a small device and throwing it as far as he could. It landed on the roof of the car, that had already turned the corner, out of sight. 
"Come on! We need to get Aurora!" Argile yelled as they both ran inside the house. As they re-entered the house, Argile found a note and picked it up. As she read it, Kali rushed down from the upstairs and joined Barry as they entered the kitchen, where Aurora, Cory, and Danya were having a conversation. 

"Aurora!" Kali yelled, Aurora getting up from the stool. 
"Guys? What's going on??" Aurora asked, Kali hardly able to put her words together. 
"It's- it's Mari! She's been taken!" she managed to get out, Aurora's heart sinking. 
"She WHAT!?" she yelled, Cory getting up. 
"WHAT HAPPENED?!" he boomed, Danya getting a worried expression. 
"The catering car! The people that came in for the catering group, they took her! They put her in the back of their car and took off!" Kali anxiously explained, Aurora heart racing. 
"Guys... I think I know what it's about." Argile announced softly as she entered the room. She gave a note to Cory, who began reading it...

"Hello. You do not know me, but I know you. My name is Sheldon, and I have your daughter. Such a lovely little girl, isn't she? If you want her back, you will do exactly as I say. Come to this address, and surrender your city, it's civilians, and it's Law Enforcement, to me. If you do not comply within 24 hours, I can not guarantee the safety of your daughter. Make your choice soon, before you live to regret it." 

Cory's fists clenched the paper, his anger growing. "Do you realize... who the FUCK... YOU ARE DEALING WITH?!" he screamed, Danya grabbing his arm. 
"Shh... Honey, relax. We'll... we'll get her back, I promise." Danya said in a comforting voice, Cory breathing heavily. Barry went to the counter and pulled out a tablet, placing it down. After typing on it for a few moments, "Yes!" he exclaimed, the others going to look. "The tracker I threw on their car is working. It's tracking them, and we should be able to follow the signal." Barry explained, Argile patting his back.
"Good job, Barry." she said, Aurora walking over to Cory and Danya. They look at her. 
"Sir, ma'am. I swear to you, whatever it takes, I will bring Mari back. This Sheldon guy is gonna get what's coming, I promise." she said softly, Cory shakingly nodding his head. 
"Please... Get my daughter back. Please." he mustered, Aurora nodding. She turned to the others. 
"Guys, we're not letting this asshole win the day. Come on." she announced as she exited the kitchen, the others following. Cory leaned against the counter and Danya rubbed his back. Argile looked back at them with a frown, before following the others. 

Aurora pulled Daniel out of the chair. "Hey- what's gives??" he asked in shock.
"We need you to do your job, doofus. Come on." she demanded, all of them heading outside. They all got in the car and Barry gave Daniel the tablet. "Alright, you're gonna follow that signal." Barry said, Daniel shaking his head. 
"Hold up, hold up, can someone PLEASE explain to me what's happening??" Daniel asked, Aurora sighing. 
"We were at the party and the Mayor's kid got kidnapped and we failed our job as agents but we're gonna make it right by getting her back and we put a tracker on the people's car so we could follow them, that's what the tracker is, we need to hurry, now MOVE." Aurora quickly explained, Daniel nodding and starting the car. 
"Thank you." he said as he started driving down the road. 
Kali poked Aurora's shoulder. "Hey, uh... What do we tell the Mayor if we can't-" Kali started to ask before Aurora cut her off.
"Don't. We're getting her back, end of story. She's not dying, not on our watch. They messed with the wrong party." she replied, Kali going quiet and looking at Argile, who had a worried expression. And so, the team followed the signal. 

Mari was being taken down a long staircase. "W-where are you taking me?" she asked, one of the men looking at her. 
"Oh, don't worry. You're gonna be well taken care of. In 24 hours." he said, glaring at the girl. They descended down the stairs and eventually reached a bottom, where Mari found herself in a large area with dimly lit lights, and ahead of her there was a man sitting on a throne-like chair. "Sir, we got her. Mari Keyhiwan, just like you asked." one of the men said gleefully, the man on the chair getting up and approaching her. She backed up into one of the men, the ringleader getting close. 
"Heh, hey, little lady! Why the frown?" the man said, taking her by the hand and walking her to a chair and table, sitting her down. "My name is Sheldon Salvator, and you are at the center of my best plan yet. So, please, make yourself comfortable! Tea?" Sheldon asked, Mari hesitantly shaking her head. "Oh, what's the matter, Mari? Do you need your mom and pop to come rescue you? Because that's the only solution to their current dilemma." Sheldon said as he sat back on his chair, taking a sip of his tea. 
"No. Those agents my mom and dad hired are gonna take you out!" Mari said defensively, Sheldon laughing. 
"Oh, really? Well, they've got a fight if they do. See, for years, I've wasted time entering campaigns to become Mayor, but your dear old dad wins every time. Not sure why! And you, my special little angel, are my best leverage to winning the Mayor's title once and for all! This city will be much better off under me. What does your dad value? Togetherness? Freedom? A clean, healthy city? Blah, blah, talk about cliche. I'm gonna bring the good old days back, and you're gonna help me achieve that goal!" Sheldon explained, Mari crossing her arms with a frown. "Uh ohhhh, someone's got a frowny face! Boys, why don't you show our guest to the playhouse?" Sheldon ordered, the men approaching Mari. They took her to a cell south of Sheldon's chair, locking her inside. "And now, we wait for the Mayor to take the bait." Sheldon said as he leaned back in his chair, his men standing by the jail cell. 

Outside the entrance, the caterer car sat, and the agents soon arrived at the scene. "This is the place..." Daniel said, turning the car off. The agents stepped out. "Man, this place is a drag." Barry remarked, Aurora walking past him. "Come on! We're burning daylight!" Aurora ordered, the agents looking at each other. Argile grabbed Aurora by the arm. 
"Hold on, Aurora." she said softly, Aurora turning around. 
"WHAT?" she snapped, Kali covering her mouth. Argile looked Aurora in the eyes, who took a breath. 
"I... I know. I know, I'm sorry. I just, I can't bare to think of what this Sheldon is doing to poor little Mari..." Aurora said with a saddened voice, Argile smiling. 
"Hey, we're going to stop him. We got this. But you need a clear head. Okay? We're going to save Mari, and we're going to stop this guy. I promise." Argile said with a soft voice, Aurora smiling.
"Thank you... I uh, kind of needed that." Aurora replied, Argile letting go of her arm. "So, do we have an actual plan here?" Kali asked.
"Well, this guy wants to become Mayor? We'll make him think he's getting what he wants! We'll go in there, and tell him the Mayor's waiting out here to surrender the city. And one of us will escort him out, and the other three will work on getting Mari out of here. Alright?" Aurora explained, the others nodding in agreement. "But before that..." Aurora added as she took out her phone and called Thomas. "Hey, Thomas. Got a situation here... The Mayor's daughter was kidnapped, and we're right outside the place she was taken to. Any chance you could get some police units out here for when we bring this sorry bastard out of his hidey-hole?" Aurora asked.
"Of course. I will need the location, though." Thomas said.
"Yeah, for sure! I'll text it to you." Aurora replied.
"And uh... How is the Mayor taking all this?" Thomas asked. 
"Well... He was very angry, reasonably, but hopefully he'll feel much better once his kid is safe and sound." Aurora answered. After a little more talk, she hang up the phone and faced the agents.
"Let's do this." she said. Taking a breath, Aurora opened the door and the agents went through. They were met with a dimly lit staircase that led downwards. Barry sighed. "I hate stairs..." he mumbled, Aurora chuckling. 
"Come on, guys. Let's get down there." she said with a slight smile, as the agents started descending the stairs. 

Reaching the bottom, Sheldon saw them and stood up. "Oh? And who might you be?" he asked, the agents approaching. 
"They're the Houston Squadron, and they're gonna kick your butt!" Mari yelled, catching Aurora's attention. "Putting her in a cell...? This bastard's going away for life." Aurora thought herself before looking at Sheldon. 
"And, let me guess, you must be Sheldon." Aurora asked, Sheldon grinning.
"The one and only! Technological genius, and the future Mayor of Houston! You're honored to be in my presence, I know, don't bother saying." he said proudly, Aurora's body trying not to cringe. 
"Ah... Well. You'll be glad to know that, you won!" Aurora said with a shrug, Sheldon smiling. 
"Yeah?" he asked, Aurora nodding. 
"You know it. When the Mayor found your letter, he crumbled and didn't want to risk the life of his little girl just for the title of Mayor. So, he's out there right now, ready to surrender the city to you." Aurora explained, Sheldon walking over to her. 
"Well! I thought it'd be a little more complicated than that, but alright!" Sheldon said most pleased.
"Well, right this way, and I'll lead you to the Mayor, he'll tell you himself." Aurora said, extending her arm to the staircase. As Sheldon passed her, she winked at Argile, who gave a subtle thumbs up. And so, her and Sheldon began walking up the stairs.

Argile, Barry, and Kali approached the two men guarding the cell. "What do you want? Aren't you supposed to be showing the boss to the ex-Mayor?" one of the men asked, Argile chuckling. 
"Look, guys. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Give us the key to the cell and get out of here, or things are gonna get messy. Your choice." Barry said, the men grinning. 
"And what makes you think you're in any position to demand anything of us?" one of them asked, smirkily. Mari looked at her hand and made a fist, looking at her knuckles. She smiled and proceeded to punch the guy's thigh. "OH, BLOODY BITCH! WHAT THE FUCK!?" the man yelled, losing balance. Argile took the opportunity to grab him and throw him into the other guy, knocking them both on the ground. Barry held one down, and Kali barely held the other down. "Huh. My knuckles DO hurt... Cool!" Mari said with a happy smile. Kali looked at Mari.
"Where did you learn to do THAT??" she asked, Mari grinning.
"Miss Aurora told me that punching bad guys is fun!" Mari answered sweetly. Barry looked at Argile. 
"Note to self: don't let Aurora near children..." Argile said with a blunt expression. Barry began searching the thugs for keys to open the cell. 

Aurora and Sheldon were still walking up the stairs. Sheldon was relentlessly rambling about all the things he was going to change about the city. "And then, playgrounds? Do NOT need them. You know how many kids get hurt at playgrounds? Like, like... Uh... Like, so many. So, playgrounds in Houston will cease to exist! And also, agencies! And police! I'm the only protector this city needs, all you weirdos with special 'responsibilities' won't have to worry about work with me in charge!" Sheldon rambled proudly, Aurora rubbing her eyes in frustration. 
"Wow. You really have all this figured out. Your plan is really great." Aurora said bluntly, Sheldon scoffing. 
"Why, yes! Isn't it, though??" Sheldon agreed as he approached the door. 
"Yeah, I mean, you planned for mostly everything. But you didn't plan for THIS." Aurora said enthusiastically as she swung the door open, introducing Sheldon to about twenty police officers pointing their guns at him. The captain, Officer Jacob Paqudus, held a megaphone behind one of the police cars. "Sheldon Salvator, this is the Houston City Police! Put your hands on your head or we'll have to use force!" he ordered, Sheldon speechless. Aurora grabbed him and threw him to the ground. Stumbling, he got back up and looked at her. 
"But, I don't understand... It was all so perfect! My perfect victory!" Sheldon cried, Aurora chuckling. 
"And now that I no longer have to pretend that we're surrendering the city, I can do this..." Aurora flipped Sheldon off. "FUCK. YOU. You put a CHILD in a JAIL CELL. You are vile and mentally disturbed, and I hope the jail you go in treats you as badly as you've treated that poor little girl. Good day, you twisted prick." Aurora exclaimed as she crossed her arms and police officers put Sheldon's hands behind his back.
"Y-you haven't seen the last of me! My plans are BIG... You think some cocky agent is gonna stop MY takeover?! YOU'LL GET WHAT'S COMING TO YOU, AURORA! YOU'LL GET WHAT'S COMING!" Sheldon yelled as he was shoved into the back of  a police car. Aurora rolled her eyes and started walking back down the stairs, a few police officers following her. 

Aurora and the police officers made it down the steps and found Argile, Barry, Kali, and Mari standing by the two henchmen tied up. "Man... This friggin' blows." one of them saying, the other glaring. 
"You ain't kidding, eh? Maybe they should tie you up harder, at least you didn't get punched by a fuckin' child." the other replied. Aurora walked over as the police officers got the crooks. 
"Is everything okay?" she asked, Argile nodding with a smile. 
"Yes, everything worked out. Mari here punched one of the guys in the thigh, and it gave us an opening to take them out." she explained, Aurora's eyes widening as she looked down at Mari.
"You did what??" she asked, Mari giggling. 
"Well, you said punching was fun but hurt your knuckles! And you were right! It IS a fair tradeoff!" she said with a big smile, Aurora chuckling. 
"Man, to understand your little mind... Well, gang. It looks like we're ready to go. And uh, officers, you'll take care of these chumps?" Aurora asked, one of the officers agreeing. 
"Yes, we'll sort them out at the precinct. Thank you for your work today, we might not have made it in time. Good day." the officer replied with a grin while they escorted the criminals up the stairs. While Aurora and the others were walking up the stairs, Barry got thinking.
"So, let me get this straight. Sheldon wanted to become Mayor, and his plan was to kidnap the Mayor's daughter for ransom? Not exactly what I'd call a standup guy..." Barry said.
"Yeah, it's messed up. He said he had tried for years to become Mayor, but the polls were always 'rigged'." Aurora replied, Mari shrugging. 
"If I'm being honest, he just reminds me of the mean teacher in my school." she said, the others laughing.
"Well, I'd say you handled it pretty well. Most kids would've fell into tears, but you held it together. That's pretty impressive, kiddo." Argile complimented, Mari smiling. 

Finally, the agents returned to the house, where Cory and Danya were holding waiting. Mari got out and ran to her parents. "Mom! Dad!" she exclaimed. Cory kneeled down and hugged Mari tightly, nearly tearing up.
"Mari! Oh, thank god! I... I didn't know if I'd ever see you again. I'm so sorry for not being there..." Cory said as he hugged her, tears streaming down his face. Danya kneeled down and hugged them both. 
"I love you both so much... The thought of losing you was so unbearable..." she said, the family embracing each other. The agents stood there, and Aurora was looking down. She walked up to Cory. "Hello, Mayor... I... I'm sorry." she said, Cory looking up at her. "You hired us to keep her safe. To make sure nothing ruined her special day. But, we failed you. I'm so sorry she got taken from you." she continued, tearing up. Cory sighed and got up, his hands behind his back. 
"Aurora. I can't lie to you... I'm a little disappointed. When I hired you, I wanted a team that would protect my daughter, but you let her get taken. I'm not angry with you, but I would like you all to focus on training a little more. You're still a great team, but you need to work on your diligence. Okay?" Cory explained respectfully, Aurora nodding. 
"Yes, sir... I'm sorry. We'll do better, I promise." she replied, Cory nodding. 
"Now, if you excuse us, we have a birthday that still needs celebrating. Be safe returning home, alright?" Cory said as he turned his back to them and walked back into the house with his family. Aurora turned to face the squad, and looked down. She took a breath. 
"Alright, guys... Let's go home." she said, the others looking at each other. They all got in and Daniel drove them home. On the way there, Daniel looked at Aurora, who was fiddling with a pencil. 
"Hey... I know it wasn't your finest moment, but. You got the girl back, didn't you? That's at least something." he said in a kind voice, Aurora sighing.
"Except if I had been doing what I was supposed to, she wouldn't have been taken in the first place. Just get us home, Daniel." she replied with a low voice, Daniel sighing.

The agents walked into the apartment complex, Aurora heading straight for her room, not saying a word. The others looked at each other. "Uh, one of us should try talking to her, right...?" Kali asked.
"I don't know, I'm not really the comforting type." Barry said, Argile sighing.
"Don't worry, I'll see if I can at least cheer her up a little." Argile said, walking towards Aurora's room. She opened the door to her room and found Aurora watching the TV. 
"This just in: we're receiving reports that a 14-year-old, Mari Keyhiwan, the Mayor's daughter, was taken hostage during her birthday party! Police are telling us that she's been returned home, but it was a very close call indeed!" Constantine said, Aurora sighing. She turned the TV off and planted her head in her pillow. Argile slowly walked in and pulled the chair from her desk up to the bed, taking a seat. "So, uh... That's another mission done, heh! Right...?" Argile said nervously, Aurora shaking her head. She turned around to where she was on her back, facing the ceiling. 
"I failed, Argile... There's really no denying that. I... I failed." Aurora said, putting her hands over her face, Argile sighing. 
"Look, we all failed. We were all supposed to keep a watchful eye out, especially me! But, although the Mayor was clearly disappointed in us, I'm not letting it get me down." Argile said, Aurora looking at her. "Look, I won't lie, I feel pretty bad, too. But, you're an amazing agent, Aurora. You shoot and fight good, you solve things easy. You're strategic and analytical when you need to be. You're a great leader, but all leaders have to make mistakes, it's how you learn. We'll need to learn to be more diligent next time, just like the Mayor said, right?" Argile explained, Aurora slowly nodding. 
"Yeah... Yeah." she said, Argile smiling. 
"You were a solo agent for, what, three years? And you're telling me you made NO mistakes?" Argile asked with a smirky grin, Aurora chuckling.
"No... No. I... I made a lot of mistakes. D-don't tell the others! But. Yeah. There was one time, I was tracking down a villain that wanted to shut down a local shop. We knew where his hideout was, and... Heh, I went to the wrong location. On the opposite side of the city. Man, Thomas lectured me for about an hour because I refused to let the agents with the Intel tell me where to go." Aurora explained, wiping her tears. Argile smiled. 
"You see? Mistakes happen, but you got the guy in the end, didn't you?" she asked, Aurora nodding. "Well, there you go! We made a mistake and we corrected it. And we'll do better. So, don't let this keep you down, alright? We're still your team." Argile said with a soft voice, patting Aurora's shoulder and getting up to exit the room. Aurora sat up. 
"Hey, Argile?" she said, Argile looking back. 
"... Thank you. It's, uh. It's nice to have you here." Aurora said, Argile smiling.
"Anytime, Aurora." she replied, as she walked out and shut the door. 

Later that night, the agents finally all went to their respective rooms to get a good night's rest. The day wasn't as they expected, but it all ended well in the end, and they'll strive to do better tomorrow. The other agents were fast asleep, but Aurora was lying in her bed, wide awake. Could she really cope with failing so bad? What would she tell Thomas? She tried to forget about it, and fall asleep. After all, they did put Sheldon away. So, it wasn't a complete loss, right? 

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