Chapter 64 : New Comrades From the Far East?!

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Central Calendar Day 3 Month 10 Year 1642
700km south of Primorsky Krai, Kivotos city

After several minutes flying, The Nakhodka Zveno began to get closer to the vast city and entering the city's airspace, then they began to saw below to them modern skyscrapers, Japanese-like skyscrapers and Japanese-like buildings stretch far as the eye can see

For several minutes after entering the city's airspace, they expected several aircraft from the city to intercept them and decided to continue to flying in the city's airspace to wait for the aircraft to intercept them, passing through the gaps of...

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For several minutes after entering the city's airspace, they expected several aircraft from the city to intercept them and decided to continue to flying in the city's airspace to wait for the aircraft to intercept them, passing through the gaps of several skyscrapers and also even doing cobra maneuvers

An hour alter

One hour passed, no planes nor fighter jets intercepted them at all, and they began to get suspicious about this situation

Kulakov: <<Strange, why no aircraft intercepting us at all? Priyom>>

Petrov: <<Better keep focused, Fyodor Vasilivich, we don't know when their aircraft will come and intercepted us, Priyom>>

Sergeyev: <<But it's been an hour since we entered this city's airspace, this city is very advanced just like the cities in the Motherland, and we expect them to send their aircraft to intercept us, but what? no aircraft from this city intercepted us at all, something wrong here, don't you think, Tovarischj Major? Priyom>>

Lobov: <<Right, but we better stay focused and continue the reconnaissance mission, do you all copy? Priyom>>

Sergeyev & Petrov: <<Copy that! Priyom>>

Kulakov: <<Wait, what's that the thing that hovering over our heads?>>

Lobov: <<What do you mean, Fyodor Vasilivich?>>

Kulakov: <<Look over at the reflection of the cockpit, Tovarischj Major>>

Right after Kulakov said that, the rest of the Nakhodka Zveno look at the reflection of the jet's cockpit, and they see a thing hovering over their heads

Nikolai Lobov's Halos:

Nikolai Lobov's Halos:

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