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"Dear passengers, we are ready for landing. Please make sure your seat belt is securely fastened." Once more, the captain's voice echoed through the speakerphone. I listened to the voice of the captain and secured my seat belt, settled back into the seat with a sense of comfort, and gazed out at the azure blue ocean, speckled with turquoise currents, stretching below.

"What a beauty!", I sighed, "I can't wait to immerse myself in a memorable experience on the island that might just be life-changing!"

I was full of hope. This vacation was not just a desire but a desperate necessity, a chance to escape the shadows of my past, particularly the sting of betrayal that still haunted me. I would like to forgive myself for the blindness that let others betray me. I'm still mad at myself for not seeing it in time; the red flags were there, but sometimes a good heart doesn't see the bad.

I was jolted out of my thoughts by the landing. The aircraft gently touched down at a small island airport. Passengers got up and lined up to get off. As I stood by the exit door preparing to descend onto the hot tarmac, the smell of men's perfume tickled my nostrils. Even though there was little space on the plane, it still felt like he violated my private space. I turned around with furrowed brows, ready to ask him to step back. Yet, to my surprise, behind me stood a man in his late twenties, his complexion slightly bronzed, clad in a crisp white linen shirt.

"First time here?", he asked me with a beaming smile that revealed a perfect line of gleaming white teeth.

"Yes, how did you know?", I asked curiously. He was so good-looking and kind that I immediately forgot that I wanted to ask him to back off.

"Impatiently shifting from foot to foot, frequently checking the map... yes I noticed you back at the airport during boarding." A mischievous smile hovered on his face.

"Oh!", I winced.

As the line began to inch forward, I pivoted to keep pace. Descending the stairs cautiously, one step at a time, I finally set foot on the scorching asphalt. All the time I was aware of his presence behind me.

A sudden gust of breeze blew up at the ruffles of my silly floral dress, unveiling my legs. I instinctively put my hands down to hold the dress so it wouldn't reveal too much.

"Whoops", the wind blew my hat off and it started to roll toward the tail of the plane.

Fortunately, the stranger I just spoke to caught my runaway straw hat in just two steps and stopped it with a quick movement.

"Here you go", he handed me his hat and our fingers touched. An intense feeling of electricity coursed through my body.

"If you don't mind, I will help you. I know this island very well. Let's pick up your luggage!"

I followed him without saying anything.

In the airport building, I showed him my suitcase. He picked up and asked me, "Just that?"

I nodded my head silently. I took only a few things with me on the trip, just what I packed quickly; a few colorful beach dresses, a little black evening dress for the dinner in the restaurant, and a few bathing suits. My cosmetic bag took up the most space in my suitcase. I have always loved to take care of myself. Creams, serums, shampoos; there are never enough of them in my collection.

Taxis were parked in front of the building, he opened the door, waited for me to sit down, and then closed it.

"He's a real gentleman", I thought.

He sat down near me and we headed to the hotel I had booked. I rolled down the window, letting in the warm air and the scent of tropical flowers. I turned to him, "It's beautiful here!"

"Yes it is, a real paradise!", he replied with pleasure and pride.

As I looked at his regular features, and bright expressive eyes, I remembered that I still didn't even know his name.

"Sorry, but I still don't know your name?"

"It's my fault. Sorry for not introducing myself right away. I'm Harry." He smiled and raised an eyebrow. I held out my hand to him.


"Nice to meet you, Grace!"

'Now that we are done with the formalities', I laughed, "tell me do you know what the hotel is like? It has excellent reviews and ratings online."

"Oh yes, of course I know. I know the island like the back of my hand. The hotel is small but luxuriously equipped. Every room overlooks the ocean and in front of every terrace is a beautiful sandy beach. It is an ideal place to escape from the dreary routines of daily life and the lingering shadows of the past."

"Have you thought about being a hotel marketer?" I asked him half-jokingly.

"Well, I haven't until now."

"You should", I said. We both laughed.

At that time we arrived at my destination. In front of me appeared a charming small hotel nestled on the shores of a lush, exotic park. From the outside, it presented itself as a harmonious blend of traditional and contemporary architectural elements. The building style reflected the island's cultural heritage, with thatched roofs and wooden accents that evoked a sense of rustic elegance. The facade was adorned with vibrant tropical flowers and lush greenery, creating a welcoming and tranquil atmosphere.

"Ah, this is gorgeous!", I sighed in delight, getting out of the taxi.

My new acquaintance smiled saying, "I wish you beautiful moments on the paradise island." He gave me his hand and we said goodbye. Then he turned to the driver and told him to continue and I entered the beautiful lobby of the hotel while the bellboy was carrying my luggage.

At the hotel, I was greeted by friendly staff and helped to settle into the room.

"Oh gosh, this is amazing!" I stepped into a luxurious hotel room. The space was bathed in natural light streaming through sheer curtains, lending an airy and refreshing ambiance. In the center, there was a plush king-sized bed adorned with crisp white linens, inviting me to sink into its comfort after a day of traveling. I've checked the bathroom. It was the perfect sanctuary of indulgence, featuring gleaming marble surfaces and modern fixtures. A spacious bathtub invited me to luxuriate in a soothing soak, while fluffy white towels and premium toiletries catered to my every comfort. I turned with a happy smile on my face. As I stepped onto the private balcony, I was greeted by a panorama of swaying palm trees, turquoise waters, and the gentle caress of tropical breezes—an idyllic retreat in paradise.

I was sure I did the right thing by deciding to go on this trip. The warm weather, the gentle waves of the ocean, and the sound of the palm trees rustling in the breeze will help me to melt away stress and tension after my breakup.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 04 ⏰

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