- Five -

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We make our way out of the Weeping Village, laughing. "That thing was so weird!" I exclaim, giggling. "I know, she's crazy." responds Aliyah, clutching her chest from laughing so much.

I look around at our new surroundings, which seem...oddly calm.

We're walking through a huge meadow, with nothing but grass and the odd tree for what seems like miles. There is a single path, which is what we follow. The strangest part is the grass is grey, the flowers are all dead, and the trees are black, and have no leaves. I try to ignore this as we continue to journey through the meadow.

"So, where did you come from, before you ended up here?" I asked Aliyah. She looked at me. "Hm? Oh, I came from Donlon workhouse. You?"

"The same."

"So when's your birthday?" she quizzed me, smiling. "12th January, 3024. What about you?"

"...what?" she asked, astonished, "but...it's 2954."


"Maybe the time works differently here.." she reasons.


* * *

We continued walking until we came across a patch of grass that was considerably lighter. I stepped off the path and headed towards it. Aliyah followed me. I took a step, my foot landing on the patch...

The floor opened up, and we fell.

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