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Siddharth's pov!

After forty eight hours of observation, di was brought back to the safety of our house. But what shocked me was the presence of Bhavna at my home that evening.

I clenched my fists in anger. What the hell is she playing at?

"Bhavna, I am so happy you came.." Di was saying and I looked at her bewildered.

What is going on here? Bhavna shot a helpless look at me and I was completely confused by now.

"What is going on here?" I asked no one in particular.

"Don't you know, Sid?" Dadi asked angrily.

Damn! This must be about the tabloid article.

"We have turned a blind eye on your lifestyle all these time. Not anymore. It's high time you made a decision about this." Dadi said adamantly.

"Decision? I don't understand what you are talking about.." Siddharth said, utterly confused.

"We are going to get in touch with Bhavna's parents soon. You both should get married." Dadi said in a tone of ultimatum and I stared at her in disbelief.

"I don't believe in marriages, dadi. I don't want to commit myself to anybody." I said furiously.

"Bubba please..." Di called out in a weak tone and I sighed in exasperation.

The doctor had specifically told us to keep di happy and not to give her any stress. How can dadi bring up this topic when she clearly knows that di shouldn't be given any sort of stress.

"Bubba, come here.." Di called out and I went near her and kneeled in front of her.

"Di, please try to understand.." I began to speak, but she held my hand firmly.

"Yesterday, Nalini nani called our dadi. She saw the tabloid article. And the way she talked to dadi, it was so humiliating, Bubba. I have never seen dadi with her head hung low ever. Not even when papa lost himself to drugs and committed suicide creating a huge scandal in Ratnagiri. Even then she stood with her head high, protecting us under her wings. First time I saw her with her head hung low. It broke my heart, Bubba. Nalini nani accused dadi of her bad upbringing, telling that she failed in raising you." Di said and I felt my blood boil in rage.

Nalini Parikh, dada ji's sister. A good for nothing oldie who had no better job than to put her nose into other people's affairs. I don't understand why they are even taking that blo*dy old hag's words to heart.

"I know you don't care what people think about you. No matter how much we say that we shouldn't be bothered about people who mean nothing to us, we still live in an Indian society where everything matters. Please give this a chance. Maybe it would be for the better." Di said and I sighed in exasperation.

"I want to talk to Bhavna first.." I said.

I shot a look at Bhavna and walked upstairs, knowing very well that she would follow me.

As soon as Bhavna entered the study, I had it locked.

"What the hell was that tabloid article about, Bhavna? Don't think that you can trap with with some bullsh*t pregnancy drama.." I said in a warning tone and Bhavna let out a humourless chuckle.

"I am not that cheap, Sid. To go behind someone who doesn't want me in their life. The moment you said we are over, it was over for me too." Bhavna said.

"Then what was the article about?" I asked.

"I have a condition called Polycystic Ovarian Disease. It is quite a common condition among women nowadays. I have been taking medicines for this since I was a teenager. I occasionally have consultations with my OB-GYN. I had no idea that some local reporter was around." Bhavna said and I cursed under my breath.

I paced the room like a caged tiger, trying to come up with a solution to all this. I don't care what the paparazzis write or what people think about me. But I cannot give di any stress.

So I came up with a plan.

"Bhavna, I need a favour." I said and she looked at me curiously.

"I need you to pretend in front of my family that we are trying to give ourselves a chance. A few weeks later, once di is completely alright, we will tell them that we tried but we aren't compatible.. Are you willing to help me out with this?" I asked and she thought for a moment.

"What do I get out of this, Sid? What do I gain?" Bhavna asked and I smirked.

Of course, money! Everything and everyone has a price.

I took out my cheque book and signed on a blank cheque.

"It's a blank cheque. You can decide how much you want.." I said and extended the cheque towards her. But she didn't take it.

"I don't need money, Sid."

"Then what do you want.."

"You owe me one. I will collect it when necessary." She said and I nodded without skipping a beat.

"It's a deal then.." Bhavna said, extending her hand for a shake. I gave her my hand and just then Parinidhi's face flashed in front of my eyes and I jerked away from Bhavna subconsciously.

What the bl*ody hell? Why did I even think about her now?

She doesn't matter to me.. She doesn't matter to me in any way..

Maybe this pretence would be a good step after all. I will get less and less time to even think about Parinidhi Vyas.

We walked out of the study to the living room where everyone was waiting for us.

"Di, we are willing to give this a try. Let's see how it will work out for us.. But I am not promising anybody anything.." I said and di beamed at me.

"I am so happy, Bubba.." Di said happily and at the exact same time Parinidhi walked in.

My heart skipped a beat seeing her. I felt like I was betraying her. Why the hell am I feeling like a cheater? I am in no way answerable to her.

Parinidhi had her eyes on me, but for some bl*ody reason, I couldn't bring myself to look up at her.

"Nidhi, come here. There's happy news. Sid and Bhavna are back together.." Di was saying happily.



Here goes the next shot..

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