Dishonesty | A EIGHTEEN

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Dedicated to MistyTheFrogHealer
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Cassandra really had to step back and look at how drastically her world had changed.

Before it used to revolve around whimsical adventures with her trusty stead and childhood friend, Mark Kingston. Butting heads with her mother on what really should've been required for Cassandra's path to womanhood. Then just letting everything down and loose for Naked Sundays.

Now, nearly all of that had gone. No ragtag adventures, no Mark and since Cassandra forgot to lock her door and nearly was walked in on by Ewen, it was Onesie Sundays. Her world was currently surrounded by lies, unfaithfulness, backstabbers and cliques ruled by sadistic bullies that should've only existed in Hollywood movies.

She'd never truly thought about how crazy it was until it reached seeing a rich, power driven maniac beat down another autocratic piece of work. Cassandra was flabbergast, much like everybody else at the high and mighty Monarch retreat from their proclaimed upper platform with Will supporting Adler who had a blossoming bruise across the jaw.

Cassandra undeniably felt bad for him. Despite how she categorised the bloke as cruel to having nothing redeemable, no part of her enjoyed seeing such a sight on him. Evidently, that feeling was mutual with her mystified peers.

People hastily paved a path for the four to past through and as they were out the doors, malicious laughter could be heard from above belonging to Brent Colossus and his lackeys who congratulated the brute. Madness. Cassandra was surrounded by madness.

Rapidly, everybody reformed to their lunches and chatter before the showdown commenced but now it was buzzing with furious hisses and murmurs on what had just occurred— no doubt going to be all that left their mouths for days. Bigger gossip than the transgender swim captain.

"Oh my god, I can't believe that just happened." muttered the stunned voice of the girl sat by Cassandra. Cassandra had heard a high gasp leave Lydia's lips when the punch was initiated.

The jolly, ball of sunshine who could talk about lip gloss for an hour was rendered speechless. Cassandra could see how it must've been a little traumatic for her friend who idolised them. She'd witnessed firsthand the moment of their fall.

Lydia sat silently, a foreign concept for Cassandra to encounter with the girl. Cassandra wasn't sure how to comfort when all at once, the blondie piped up.

"He actually hit Garren Adler."
Vivid shock laced in Lydia's tone that made Cassandra falter in cutting her steak. As a statement alone was unnerving enough.

"Yeah, that was..." Cassandra fretfully lifted her head to her friend, but was puzzled to find a beaming expression Lydia's face.

Then what left the shortie's lips was something even more baffling to Cassandra than the brawl,

"Brent is so dead."

Cassandra couldn't answer. She could only blink at the girl who carried on eating lunch, starry eyed with occasionally murmuring under her breath then followed by scoffs. Cassandra was worried.

Lydia was a smart girl, even excelling Cassandra in studies but the reason Lydia hadn't joined Coeus was due to being too young for an applicant in the years prior. Now she was already signed up for student council and eco club, leaving no space to juggle another extra curriculum. The girl had brains to put it shortly.

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