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Millie: Good morning.
E: Mhm morning, you ready for today?
Millie: I dont think I'll ever be ready they're growing up so fast.
E: I am kind of glad that we can actually celebrate it though.
Millie: Yeah are Bobby and Athena gonna be okay doing everything?
E: You heard them were not allowed round there until it's time.
Millie: What do you think their planning?
E: I dont know and I dont want to know because it's them, just let them do whatever their doing.
Millie: Ughh.
E: Come on we need to get up and do their 1 year photo's.
That night after the bridezilla wedding before Hen and the others students are studying.
E: Hey we're here.
A: Hi, hi so glad you could make it.
Millie: Just tell us, what have you got planned?
B: Always so suspicious.
Chris: Aunt Eva! Can I hold one of the twins?
Eddie: I can sit with him.
E: Okay bud sit down, im giving you Jack because May already has James.
Eddie: Chim and Buck are outside looking after the barbecue whilst Bobby grabs something from the kitchen. Maddie's out there too.
A: Before you go out and find them we do have a surprise.
Millie: I knew it.
A: Okay you can come out now. Look behind you.
Mia is stood there with a massive smile on her face.
Millie: Mia!!!
Mia: Athena and Bobby went to battle to get me here, think one of them might have threatened Owen.
B: No we didn't I just spoke to him Captain to Captain.
Mia: So Where's the birthday boys?
E: One is with Chris over there and the other one is with May, I dont know where they are though. I better go out and see Buck and Maddie before I get told off.
Millie: Yeah and please find May.
E: I'll try.
10 minutes later.
H: Hey foods ready Where's Millie?
E: She's inside with Mia, Eddie, Chris and Jack.
H: Everybody food is ready!!
E: Has anyone seen May and James?
A: I'll find her you guys get some food.
They spend the night together with Family and friends before heading home. The next morning.
Mia: Do you think Kim will let me have the twins today? I want to spend some time with them before I go back to Texas
E: I dont know I'll call her see if she wants the day off.
Millie: I will get breakfast going.
Kim agrees so Mia has the twins all day whilst Eva and Millie go to the bakery. Later after Carla came back to work to look after Chris whilst Eddie and Buck are working. Hey sister do you still believe in love I wonder.
E: Hey Buck, Carla! Hi.
Carla: Hey, how's Kim doing?
E: She is just as amazing as you obviously.
Mia: Wait if Kim is her sister why did Kim not take more time off after their dad?
E: Mia! I'm so sorry Carla I didn't know she was there.
Carla: No its okay, Kim is my half sister on my mums side, she didn't know my dad.
Mia: Oh, keep your trap shut from now on Mia.
E: Yes please.
Carla: Where's Millie?
E: She just nipped to the store, she still doesn't want me to go out on my own.
Carla: The accident was weeks ago.
E: Yeah I know tell me about it.
A couple of days later after Toni has been rushed to the hospital. Eva and Buck are on the phone.
E: Wait so is Hen's mum gonna be okay?
Evan: I mean yeah they think so could have been alot worse.
E: Thank god, and just circling back to the Eddie situation. He stayed with this kid whilst his mum went to the hospital? How was that?
Evan: And what is that supposed to mean?
E: Oh come on you two can't do anything with out the other.
Evan: Yeah well we managed.
E: So does Chris have a new friend?
Evan: Eddie says the boys mum said they would have to see so I dont know maybe.
James starts screaming.
E: Ahh Buck i gotta go.
Evan: Yeah talk to you soon give the boys a kiss from their Uncle Buck.
Just replace Ana with Buck. Eva and Millie don't know about the whole sh@@timg situation with Eddie and Buck.

Eva BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now