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After the death of Anne Boleyn, Adelaide Alden was married to Henry Tudor in a grand wedding with all invited.
It had become common knowledge about their joint childern which was readily accepted by nobles and commoners alike as the Alden family were well liked.
Adelaide gave Henry another six children till she had to stop or face health issues but she gave Henry four more sons and two daughters woth all surviving to adult hood with the excellent care they had recieved.

Queen Adelaide brought great reform to England, Ireland and Scotland.
He eldest grandson Henry married Mary Queen of Scotland and allowing her to keep her faith in private thry had two sons James and Charles who went of to form the United Kingdom.
The changes she introduced were kept up by her family and her other children married other nobles or monarch through out Europe and her youngest daughter married one of Sultan Suleiman sons thus bringing their might to England if needed.
Prince Prion married the only daughter of the chinses imperial Emperor, this also helped with trade and soilders when needed.
Odette married the future Tsar of Russia as the eldest died from a stab wound, she became the most powerful woman in the known world after her mother passed but was and would always will be loyal to her family.
Adelaide other childern married varies spouses both at home and aboard to ensure good alliance for their country and were happy with their lives but they took after their parents and had many children.

This one woman brought about the greatest empire the world had ever known and all for the love she bore her Henry and the love he bore her.
They ruled for another ten years till Henry got sick making their eldest king before returning to the Alden country estate where her parents had been laid to rest years before and stayed together for the rest of their days.

It was one night when they both fell asleep and Henry passed making Adelaide subconscious cling to him before she smiled and passed too.
Their funeral was grand one and they were laid togeher at Westminster Abbey a testament to show those that love conquers all.


Thank you so much for reading this story and I hope you enjoyed reading it as I did writing it and can't wait to share more with you.

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