Chapter Twelve

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The king's congratulatory party was much like the one we attended after our first ballet, only now every high-ranking noble packed the ballroom of the palace. Everyone outdid their neighbor in glittering silk and lush fur, and with the company's State funded dresses, we were not an exception to the rule of elegance. As the guests of honor, we were surrounded by throngs trying to catch a word with us. They flashed bright teeth, and ringed fingers gripped ours in sweaty embraces. The word 'genius' was showered so heavily around Mr. Lennox that I half expected to see it floating in the air above us. Everyone made sure to ask for a private performance of the Royalist Ballet, as they took to calling it. Mr. Lennox navigated them with ease, never quite committing but also not shutting the door on opportunities. We didn't need their money anymore, but we could always use good connections to those with the power to give impressive favors.

As the princes and archdukes expressed their appreciation of such a patriotic ballet in these times, I could not help but think of the Common Army officials that had gathered in our practice room not so long ago, commissioning a dance that they wanted the king to see. I couldn't imagine what they thought this ballet might do, but I knew it was not what all the dazzling nobles thought it was.

A passing waiter bared a tray of small glasses of wine, and I grabbed one as he passed. Downing it in a few gulps, I tried to nip the growing unease in my stomach.

Mr. Lennox and I stood near to the king and his family while the corps broke up into the crowd. I saw no familiar faces besides Mr. Lennox until I caught a glimpse of painfully familiar blonde hair.

Snatching another glass of wine and kicking it back for courage, I headed toward Ferdinand. Somehow, though he was too far away to see or hear me, his gaze turned my way. His eyes softened and he stood still, waiting for me to reach him. I felt like running to him, but my legs wouldn't cooperate with me. I could only walk, slowly, to where he stood while my breath came quicker.

I pushed by a particularly plump archduke, who slowed my progress, and while I was squeeze past his ample side with a mumbled apology, a hand rested on my arm and halted me mid-step. Turning, I saw Mr. Lennox behind me. His eyes briefly scanned over Ferdinand and rested back on me. His lips flattened and his fingers dug just slightly into my shoulder.

"Nadia, I need you to come with me for a moment. There is something I would like to talk to you about," he said, all his words sharp and dangerous.

I wanted to crane my neck around to see if Ferdinand still waited for me, but Mr. Lennox's grip was too tight. I knew that if I asked to see Ferdinand first, it would only anger Mr. Lennox. It had become my new habit to avoid Ferdinand in any shape or form in order to stave off the storm that my ballet master could become.

"Yes, of course," I finally replied. Ferdinand would still be there when Mr. Lennox and I were done, I told myself.

Mr. Lennox took me to a door mostly hidden behind a pillar topped by flowers. Behind the door was a larder of some sort, with shelves full of spare dishes and glasses, table linens, and extra chairs. I stood awkwardly in front of a stack of black napkins while Mr. Lennox closed the door and turned to face me.

"There is a great change coming, Nadia," he said. "You know this. The evidence is everywhere. It won't be long until a second uprising, and we will soon see what outcome that brings. At any rate, aside from this, there is still something that should be addressed. Something, perhaps, overdue."

I gripped the ruby fabric of my skirt and waited for him to continue. My mind kept flipping back to Ferdinand, but I tried to keep my attention focused while Mr. Lennox talked to me.

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