Chapter 4: First Infection

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"MR QUENTIN!" Alex and I exclaimed. Mr James, our school gardener, appeared by his side, both holding machine guns. The sight made Alex and I step back in fear, our eyes widened. "Hey, hey," said Mr James, stepping forward. "Don't worry, we won't hurt you." Mr James said, his warm, reassuring hands on both of our shoulders. "Just trust us." said Mr Quentin. Alex and I shared a glance before nodding, and we followed to two men out of the cafeteria. 


I huffed and puffed, catching my breath after defeating a couple more zombies. "Where on earth is Prince Gion?" I thought to myself, as I continued to dash through the now empty hallways, guns in hand. I had made a quick stop back to the underground meeting room, and grabbed some ammo and guns left there by Quentin for the rest of us. 

I checked another hallway, empty. The thought of Prince Gion already being infected or worse, eaten, made my heart sink and my stomach churn, and I frantically continued to search, my hope of finding my master wearing thin.


"We're here." said Mr Honda, stepping aside to reveal a metal door. "J, please do the honours." he said, as Doctor Amy pulled out a steel key. "J?" I thought to myself, as Doctor Amy slotted the key into the keyhole, and the door unlocked with a click. She opened the door for me, and I stepped inside the room.

The room seemed to be underground, as I spotted a manhole above us. There in the room were foldable beds, tins of canned food, bottles of drinks, medical supplies and a corner filled with weapons and computers. I gaped at the sight before me, stunned that everything we possibly needed for survival was pretty much right there. 

There were chairs that were already laid out, and to my surprise, the occupants were Albert, Ciel, Felix and Charles. Beside them was another unmistakable face. "Mr Armstrong? What're you doing here? Guys? When did you get here?" I asked, the series of questions spilling out of me like a bullet train as I tried to process what was happening. Beside Charles, sat a shorter man with raven black hair, and piercing charcoal eyes as he stared at me. I gulped. Just then, the metal door creaked open, and in the doorway stood Alex and Y/N. The others and I immediately rushed forward to hug them, as we cried in relief that our friends were safe. Beside the twins, I noticed Mr Quentin and Mr James, both who were carrying machine guns. I took a step back, slightly threatened by the sight. Doctor Amy seemed to notice my discomfort, as she gestured for the two men and Mr Honda to put away their weapons, as she did. 

"Alright, now that everybody's here, I think we can explain everything." said Mr Quentin, clapping his hands. "But no everybody's here. Livio and Gion are missing, and Shintarou has been-" "We know, Y/N." said Mr Honda, cutting her off as his face darkened. "Livio is looking for Prince Gion, as Prince Leon here knows about the mix-up that happened. While he's doing that, I'll quickly explain and reintroduce ourselves." said Mr Quentin. "Hi, my name's Quentin, and I'm the secret bodyguard for Alex and Y/N. Everyone else in the room here, are all you royal highnesses secret bodyguards appointed by your parents." "We are all currently trying to handle the apocalypse situation, but our main goal is getting y'all to safety. Now, for the rests' introductions." he said, gesturing to the rest of the bodyguards. "Hi, I'm James. I'm Prince Felix's secret bodyguard, and a distant cousin of yours, Felix, which you probably don't recognize me." Felix's eyes widened, as he exclaimed in shock about not having recognized Senor James earlier. We all chuckled at this, glad that Felix was there to lighten up the mood in this hellish apocalypse. The next was Doctor Amy, as she introduced herself as Jelena, my secret bodyguard. I gave Doctor Amy , now Jelena, a polite smile, and shook hands with her as a sign of thanks. After Jelena went Mr Armstrong, introducing himself as Merlin, Albert's bodyguard. Albert's eyes widened and his cheeks flushed with realization as he realized why Mr Armstrong was so caring towards him. 

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