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With the morning sun's gentle ascent, tendrils of light cascaded over Yoora's face, coaxing her from slumber. Blinking away the remnants of dreams, her heart anticipated the comfort of her canine companion. But as her eyes fluttered open, they were not met by the familiar sight of the Pomeranian. Instead, a surreal scene unfolded before her.

In the soft glow of dawn, a bare-chested young man with tousled chestnut hair lay beside her, his brawny arms wrapped protectively around her. A piercing scream erupted from her, slicing through the morning calm and jolting the disorientated young man to consciousness.

His eyes darted wildly until they finally landed on his hands. "I-I'm human again?" he stammered.

Yoora reached out to turn off the lamp that had illuminated her bedroom through the night. Her frantic gaze swept through the room for the Pomeranian, but he had vanished.

In her desperation, her eyes shifted to the young man now occupying her bed, the lower half of his body concealed by her blanket. Curiosity gripped her as her eyes traced the sun-kissed complexion that highlighted the contours of his muscular chest and broad shoulders. Like the alignment of puzzle pieces, a realisation began to dawn.

The boy's stammering words also confirmed the mysterious transformation—beyond any rational comprehension, he was the canine she had brought home.

The commotion reached the ears of Augustus, who burst into her bedroom in a state of alarm. His eyes widened at the surreal tableau—a naked young man on his dearest granddaughter's bed. Speech eluded him, shock freezing his response.

Yoora hastened to clarify, her words flowing with urgency. "Grandpa, don't be alarmed! This is the dog I brought home."

Persisting in his struggle to come to terms with the bewildering situation, Augustus endeavoured to regain his composure. His gaze remained perplexed, hovering upon the undressed young man. Without uttering a word, he exited the room.

His return was swift, proffering a plain white shirt and khaki trousers to the confused boy. "Please, do put these on."

Yoora, her face flushed with embarrassment, briskly descended from the edge of her bed. She kept her gaze averted, offering the young man his privacy as he changed into the provided attire.

The boy, now clothed, spoke with a sheepish tone, "I've...changed."

Her gaze pivoted slowly, locking onto the visage of the enigmatic man, now clad in borrowed garments that clung tightly to his well-built physique.

As she examined his features more closely, a glimmer of recognition sparked within her. His tousled hair, in a strikingly similar shade to Toran's, and his light hazel eyes bore an uncanny familiarity.

He was the young shapeshifter who had transformed into a cheetah, leaping onto the table of her former estate six years ago. "Xander Althean..." she inadvertently blurted out.

Xander, his expression riddled with surprise, asked, "How do you know my name?"

Realising her unintentional revelation, she swiftly composed herself and offered an excuse. "Your family's legacy is known throughout the entire realm. You're the heir of the esteemed Althean House."

"Former heir, if I may clarify, for our house has now, regrettably, relinquished its standing."

Augustus interjected with a trace of wariness, "Might you care to elucidate this rather perplexing situation, your transformation from a canine to...this?" He gestured pointedly at Xander's now-human body.

Xander fixed his gaze upon his human hands. "Inexplicably, it appears that my curse has been lifted."

"Curse?" Yoora echoed, her brow furrowing.

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