❀ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 60 ❀

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Hobi wanted to talk to Namjoon and sort things out, but now he couldn't because Namjoon had a meeting. As Namjoon left for the meeting, Hobi sighed and departed from namjoon's cabin , feeling disappointed and unsettled

Time skip
After one week

Throughout the entire week, right from the beginning, Hobi made several attempts to talk to Namjoon, but unfortunately, every time they ended up arguing. Hobi felt really bad about hurting Namjoon, so he said sorry many times, hoping things would get better. But Namjoon was too upset to forgive him or have a peaceful talk. Hobi got really tired of all the arguing, so he decided to stop trying to talk or say sorry to Namjoon. And Namjoon, well, it's not like he doesn't want to talk to hobi or make everything right. It's just that he's too hurt to talk about anything

As for Yoongi, he's far from being at peace. Soojin is only adding to his misery, constantly reopening wounds that haven't healed. Just being around her is enough to upset him deeply. However, Yoongi managed to convince Jin that everything is okay and that Soojin's actions don't bother him, but that couldn't be further from the truth. He struggles to sleep at night, haunted by nightmares of the day she betrayed him.

Today is Sunday, and Hobi is busily packing his bags for a three-day business trip to the USA........ He is going without telling anyone. After what happened to namjoon last time when he went abroad for a business meeting, Jin strictly prohibited everyone to not even keep a step in the plane alone. Hobi asked jin many times to let him go as this meeting is really important. But jin always refused him. Jin always felt uneasy and restless when hobi asked for his permission. However Jin told hobi that he can go only if yoongi, namjoon or he himself goes with him which is not possible right now because everyone is busy with their own works. Now hobi is not left with any other option than going alone without telling anyone. He already booked his tickets with letting anyone know

After packing, Hobi gripped his suitcase tightly as he peeked out from his room. Seeing the empty living room, he breathed a sigh of relief. With a light step, he ventured out and made his way towards the entrance gate. Just as he was about to open the gate, he was stopped by a voice  "What do you think you're doing, Kim Hoseok?"

Hobi froze, feeling like his heart was about to come out of his chest. He turned slowly to find Jin standing there, looking furious."Uh... Hyung... I... uh..." Hobi stammered, too scared to find the right words.

Jin stepped closer to Hobi, his voice icy. "I asked you something, Hobi."

Hobi remained silent, his gaze fixed on the ground, too afraid to respond, which only seemed to fuel Jin's anger.


The sound of Jin's shouting drew everyone into the living room with concerned faces

Gathering all his courage, Hobi finally spoke up. "Hyung... that meeting is really important, and you weren't letting me go... so I thought to go without telling anyone."

Jin slapped him hard across his face and said "How dare you even think about it!" Jin's voice roared with anger. "I told you several times you are not allowed to go..how dare you think of going without informing me? I raised you, and you're supposed to follow my orders! You have no right to do things I haven't allowed!"

Hobi got really mad because he felt like Jin was controlling him and he couldn't take it anymore.. "JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!" he exploded, his tone dripping with venom, stunning everyone present. Hobi is the sweetest amongst them, hurling such harsh words at Jin left everyone utterly speechless.

But he wasn't done. He lashed out further, his frustration boiling over. "Why do you always have to stick your nose into every little thing we do? Do you have nothing better to do than stick your nose into our business? That meeting is important for me, and you have no fucking right to stop me from fulfilling my responsibilities! You're constantly breathing down our necks, telling us what to do, what not to eat, where we can't go, when we should sleep. What the hell gives you the right?" Hobi's voice was full of anger. "I'm not a child! I'm 25 years old, for God's sake, and I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself and making my own damn decisions! I know what's best for me better than anyone else, including you! So why don't you just butt the hell out and mind your own fucking business!.......You know Hyung I'm sick and tired of your overbearing attitude! Who do you think you are, treating us like we're still in bloody diapers?.......You're nothing but a control freak, hyung It's pathetic how you can't stand to see anyone do anything without your approval. Get over yourself!......You're not our damn babysitter, hyung! Stop acting like you know what's best for us, because you don't! Mind your own damn business for once!"

The room fell into a stunned silence, everyone frozen in disbelief. They'd never seen Hobi so mad before. It felt like he'd turned into someone else entirely. Jin stood there, his eyes brimming with tears, his heart heavy with the weight of Hobi's words. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined hearing such hurtful words from his brothers, let alone from Hobi, whom he considered like his own son.

Yoongi, overwhelmed with emotions, couldn't tolerate any further disrespect towards Jin, who had raised them like a parent. Knowing the sacrifices Jin had made, Yoongi believed Jin had every right to make decisions for them. Hobi's outburst was unacceptable to Yoongi. He couldn't stand to see Hobi speak to Jin in such a disrespectful manner. He  angrily went to hobi and slapped him as hard as he could making him fall on the floor. A few drops of blood trickled from Hobi's mouth

Hobi yelped in pain and got scared seeing yoongi's anger. Yoongi looked like he could kill anyone at that moment. He has never seen yoongi this angry. Yoongi harshly made him stand up and said "You've crossed the line kim hoseok. HOW DARE YOU TALK TO JIN HYUNG LIKE THAT. I will not leave you....I will make you regret it."  Saying this, Yoongi started dragging Hobi towards his room. Hobi glanced at Jin, hoping for help, but Jin only met his gaze with cold, hurt-filled eyes. Hobi realised he messed up really badly this time


To be continued

𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 // 𝑩𝑻𝑺 ✯♡❀Where stories live. Discover now