Day One in Jail

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(Bey's P.O.V.)

             Sleeping while sitting up is hard. And it's even harder when you're on a bench, and the wall was hard and cold, and it was freezing with twelve other females staring at you while you sleep. A pounding headache greeted me the next day, along with smug looks from Rihanna. I would so attack her again, but I need to get out. A day in jail does things to people. Especially good people, like me.

We went down and ate crappy food, which I didn't even touch, then got put into cells. With a cell mate.

"I hate you," I proclaimed, sitting on the bottom bunk of the bed, wrists still cuffed.

"Hate you more, darling," Rihanna sarcastically responded.

"You're supposed to be the one in here, not me. I didn't do anything wrong!"

"It is what it is," she shrugged from the corner where the door and wall meet. I gave her a black eye and some bruises. I felt pretty proud of myself, because I never got into a physical fight before.

"And when I get out, I don't want to see you anywhere near me or my girlfriend, hear? She's suffering from what you've done to her. You probably broke her! So, stay away. I mean it."

"Yeah, I'll try my best to do that, okay, Bey-Bey?"

"Have I ever told you I hate you?"

"Ever since we been in this cell."


An officer was now sitting in front of the cell, watching our every move. Why? Because whenever somebody comes by and asks for our autograph, we lose it. I actually broke my handcuffs the last time it happened. They were probably cheap, anyway.

My eyes focused on the guard outside the cell, since I was still on the bottom bunk. Rihanna was by the sink, examining her nails. She's still cuffed. I could see her take glances at the guard.

"Make out," he suddenly said, making me jump and hit my head on the bottom of the other bed.

I rubbed my throbbing head and glared at him. "What?!"

"You heard me. The two of you," he pointed to Rihanna and I, "make out. Now."

I rolled my eyes at him and stayed in my spot. There was no way I was going near that woman, and he wasn't going to make me, either.

"Look, I'm going to be your guard for as long as you two are here. And everyday I'm going to say that. So, you might as well just get it on, and save yourself from being difficult."

"Pervert," I muttered under my breath, not moving another muscle. Rihanna was staring at the guy also, with evil eyes. Well, evil eye.

Another officer showed up, and I smiled in relief as she said someone was here to see me. She escorted me down to the visiting center, and I sat down in a booth, Ciara smiling on the other side of the glass.

"Hey, baby," she said through the phone.

"CiCi, I'm so glad you're here," I blurted out, sighing. "It's horrible. The bench was uncomfortable, I have a pounding headache, I couldn't eat, and I have to share a cell with the madwoman!"

"Aww, I'm sorry, baby. But, I told them about Rihanna..."

My face lit up in happiness when she said that. She actually listened to me to help me get out of here. If it weren't for the glass, I would reach over and kiss her with all my might.

"...And I got your lawyer on it," she continued. "Court date is next week."

"Thank you so much, baby. You don't know how much this means to me."

"Don't thank me. You aren't even supposed to be in there. Sorry for calling the police. It as actually for Rihanna."

I faintly smiled at her. "How's Blue?"

"I got her today, and all she could ask was for you. She's in the car with Nicki right now. I cried as I heard her call for you. Bey, it was so heartbreaking. I couldn't sleep last night, knowing you weren't beside me. Bey, we need you out now."

By then, tears streamed down her face, and her breathing was rigid. God knows I wanted to hold her tightly and never let her go. "Ci, I promise I'll be out. I'm sure of it. I have the best lawyer around. Just wait, baby."

"I love you so much," she sobbed, wiping her eyes.

"I love you more, baby."

Ciara wouldn't put down the phone, even when time was up. I smiled softly at her before saying, "Baby, put the phone down. We'll talk tomorrow."

"I can't. I have a surprise for you. I won't be able to speak to you until court. I don't want to leave, baby."

"Oh, Ci. Just put the phone up, okay? Keep thinking about me, okay?"

"I always do. I love you."

"I love you, too."

A/N: Short chapter, oh well. I don't know about the police things or laws or times and stuff, so it's all made up. Okay? Okay.

I'm happy with all the reads and votes I got, and yah yah yah. Not sure if I should extend the book, or make a sequel, or just end the whole thing on a cliffhanger. So...yeah.

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