Chapter Ten

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Hey guys! Time for this story and then the werewolf one. I was having trouble deciding which one was next, so I am going to do this one even though it was updated sooner than the werewolf one. Now, before I start to monologue, here we go my lovely readers!

Chapter Ten: Scorning Zeus

Point of View: Third Person

"Me?! You are angry with me?!" Zeus bellows in outrage.

"You dare to speak fate of a child who hasn't taken a breath in this world!" Atropos, the one in the middle, raises her voice above his and he quiets down.

"It is our job to determine who lives and who dies. Our job to decide who is born and who will never be." Clotho, the one on the left, hisses.

Lachesis, the one on the right, speaks next. "How dare you even think about committing a crime towards such a miracle!" She screeches.

Zeus flinches. "What are you talking about?" 

Lachesis seethes. "Any child of this man would be a miracle to the world." She points to Katharos.

"But it would be too powerful! It would turn against us!" Zeus argues back.

"If you even try, we will release Katharos from his oath of loyalty to Olympus and he will be let to wreak havoc upon Olympus. He is a force to be reckoned with. As a penalty, we strip you of your powers, your titles, and your rights as an immortal for twenty years or until you learn your lesson. Hades will take your place on the council and will rule. Once you return, he will remain on the council and you can rule once more with a hopefully wiser brain. Hestia will rule by Hades's side and will also remain on the council." Atropos tells him.

The three Fates raise their hands to Zeus and they glow with golden light. Zeus seems to lose his healthy glow and his eyes widen. He walks off in shame and crosses the border, as a mortal.

The Fates walk up to Katharos and he watches them warily. "Go to your wife, she would want you with her." Clotho smiles.

Katharos nods and flashes off.

The Fates turn to the demigods and the other gods. Hades and Hestia flash in, already informed. "Do better than he did please, we have an outcome set already. He will never rule again. We have set in place things if they go your way. We hope you win, especially with Katharos on your side." Then they flash out.

"Let us convene." Hades says and flashes out. The others follow and the demigods are struck into silence.

~In The Garden Of The Hesperides~

"Phoebe." Katharos pleads, leaning against the door with his forehead. "I'm not mad, Phoebe. Please let me in."

"NO! You hate me for not telling you!" Phoebe is crying.

"No, I don't hate you. I love you. I am so sorry you were even there. I should have ignored the first order. Please open the door." Katharos apologizes.

"You're not upset with me?" She sniffles.

"I swear I'm not." Katharos promises.

He hears the lock click and straightens. When the door opens, he brings her into his warm embrace. "I promise I am not angry or upset with you. And I am sorry I summoned you there. I will never be mad with you other than madly in love. You're the only person who calms me down and I love you with all my heart. I always will and nothing you or I say or do will change that. Okay?" 

Phoebe nods into his chest and sniffles again. "Alright." 

He lifts her into his arms and closes the door behind them. He sits down on the bed with her and holds her in his lap. She grew from a twelve year old to a twenty year old just like Percy stopped at twenty.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Percy asks gently, being as soft as possible. 

"Because of Zeus and the reasons we talked about." Phoebe whines and curls closer to him. 

"That doesn't mean I don't want your child." He tells her, wrapping his arms completely around her. 

"But it'll be killed." Phoebe cries into his shoulder.

"No, it won't. I won't let it happen." He promises.

"What about Zeus?" Phoebe inquires.

"He was stripped of his powers by the Fates for trying to end the life of our child." Percy admits.

She looks up at him. "What?"

"Yes...I never knew how much I really affected the things around me." Then he looks down at her. "My dear Phoebe, if you wanted to have a child, you should have told me. I would have listened at some point. I love you and if you want to have one, then I'm all for it." 

She lats her head on his chest. "So, if I wanted to have more than one...?" She trails off.

Percy chuckles. "I would be happy to have many children with my lovely wife."

"What about names?" Phoebe asks.

"What do you want to name the girl?" Percy laughs.

"Elizabeth." Phoebe says. "And if it's a boy?" She prompts.

"Raphael." Percy tells her.

"I like them." Phoebe smiles. 

"What about middle names?" Percy asks.

"Michael for the boy. You pick hers." Phoebe ripostes.

"Angel." Percy kisses her cheek. "My little ray of light." 

I know it is somewhat short, but hey, it counts! See ya next update, my lovely readers!

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