WARNING (it's the wife)

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Okay, seriously people. I know most of you like to skip this shit but. But, but, but.

This is a book that will very likely trigger.

VERY likely cause triggers.

Themes within this book: Romance. Girl on girl. Kidnapping. Human trafficking. Rape. Graphic scenes, which will be cut until I can alter them to fit with Wattpads guidelines. 

The first section of each chapter will contain a 'flashback' if you are uncomfortable reading the flashbacks, then you can skip them to the first -- and continue reading the actual story which is set in the present. There will be no graphic details containing anything 'flashback material' only perhaps a reference here and there.


I have changed all the chapters other than the first to private. To be able to read them I think you need to follow me? Or something. I'm pretty sure that's it. You have to follow me then refresh your account which you can do by logging out then back in for the site, and just reset the app for anyone on a touch whatever. I think that's how it works. If not, message me and I will figure it out.

Hang on, don't hit the next button. Scroll up, and actually read the warning.

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