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'Help me.'

I shut my eyes to the girls whimpering. Wishing it were possible to shut my ears as well. She had been crying for help for the last three hours. Unceasingly. Annoyingly.

She thought I had a choice in being here. She thought I could get her out.

'Please. You have to help me.'

I didn't have to do anything but survive. Getting her out would not assist in surviving. It would do the opposite.

'Please. Please, he listens to you, I saw, you have to help me.' I couldn't see her with my eyes closed, but I knew the tears were going, dripping off her chin. She was shaking all over and the bruise he'd given her earlier was turning green.

'I don't have to do anything.' My voice sounded cold, even to my own ears. How many times had I cried for help and gotten none? Why should she get help, so early in the start of her death when I've lasted this long and received none? 'I don't have to do anything.'

She only cried harder. Any louder and he would come in, would blame me for the state she was in. I had to shut her up.

'You need to be quiet.'

Because hysterical people always listened to harsh orders.

'Please. Shut up.'

She ignored me.

'If you don't want to die, if you don't want to kill me, I suggest you shut the fuck up.'

That did the trick. It was probably more shock than anything though that had her shutting up and staring at me wide eyed.

'I was starting to wonder if you could talk at all,' she whispered after a moment of composing herself, brushing her hand over her cheeks and collecting the tears. Stupid. She heard me talking earlier when he caught me dropping that ceramic plate. She watched him beat me for it too. She couldn't exactly do anything with her hands tied though.

'I can talk.' I just choose not to.

'What does he want with me?'

I ignored her. Silently studying the cage she was stuck in, the chain that kept her attached to the wall by her ankle. The bars were melded to the floor and ceiling, too close together to squeeze through, and even if I did manage to pick the lock, if I knew how, I would still have the chain to deal with. Even if all this were possible, it would take too long. He would come check on us before I could even open the door.

'Can you tell me your name at least?'

No. I couldn't. Ever since I'd been taken I'd spoken my name only once, and that was under threat of a knife. Since then, if asked, I would take the punishment before I let filth speak a name from my life before. The only thing I owned.



'I'm Kipley, if that helps.'

'It doesn't. But you'll learn to keep your name to yourself.'

'Is that why you won't tell me?'

She was doing what I had done in my first few weeks, talking to who-ever I could. Trying to use conversation as a way to distract myself from what was happening. I couldn't fault her on it, it works for a little while.

'If you want me to go through the list of why I won't tell you, we'll be here for weeks.'

'I have all the time in the world don't I?'

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