Chapter 5

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Lauren's POV:

Today is a beautiful day, just like yesterday, today there's not a cloud in the sky. Today I'll be spending the whole Saturday with Camila. The first time I saw her I felt like punching her, now whenever I'm with her I have butterflies, that's weird. When she kissed my cheek I had goosebumps.

I went straight to her house and pick her up. As I knocked on the door she quickly opened the door, she was all ready. She smiled and hugged me tightly. She said goodbye to her parents and sister and we went to the first location which was Mc'Donalds. We had breakfast then went window shopping, we tried as many clothes as we could then leave and did the same to different shops. We then went to play miniature golf. Camila doesn't know how to play golf so I decided to give her a 'flirty' golf lesson, I put my arms around her and pressed my body closer to hers. It turns out that she was a fast learner, just after a few round, she had beat me and won the whole game. I had decided to pay for the whole date cause I didn't want Camila to waste for money. We then went bungee jumping and rope climbing.

Then I took her to Water World, I brought two bikinis, a navy blue one for me and a hot pink one for Camila. After we tried slides and all, we then went to our next location where we could play one on one baseball, and this time I won the game. It was finally lunch, I decided to have a picnic, we both ate the same thing which was burger, fries and chicken sandwich. After we had finish eating, I went straight to the nearest harbor to relax our minds. Then after 20 minutes we left the harbor and went where Camila wanted to go. We went to a carnival, had cotton candy and corn dogs. We played jumping castle and tries many child-ish things. After, we went to the children's park and sat on swings. We walked around the park while holding hands. Later, we decided to go and watch the sunset from the rooftop of this unknown building. After the sun has set, we saw this outdoor concert in a park, they had free drinks and people doing covers of famous songs. So we decided to go there. We had so much fun dancing and singing along all the songs. After the concert had finish Camila wanted to go to the beach so we went to the nearest beach.

Camila's POV:

We were at the beach, alone. We shared a blanket and Lauren put her arms around me. It kinda reminds me of the Taylor Swift song. I felt very safe in her arms. Lauren then decided to take a swim, she took her clothes off, showing off her bikini and told me to do the same. We pushed each other into the water and played with each other. I had so much fun being alone with Lauren. Then Lauren suddenly ask me "Hey Camz, have you gone skinny dipping before?" I answered with a simple 'no'. She then asked me "Do you wanna try it? With me?" I was shocked, I paused for a minute, I wanted to say 'yes' but then Lauren started laughing and said "I'm just messing with you." After we were done playing with the water we sat down, hugging each other. We told each other our secrets, I told her everything about my old school, how I was always alone, how no one would sit with me during lunch, and how no one wanted to be my partner for projects and assignments. I told her that she and Drew are the only true friends I have, suddenly she became sad. She told me about how she went to Rehab, she said she never told anyone that she went to rehab, I was the only one besides her family who knew the story. She told me that she didn't go to school for 3 months last year and when people ask she would tell them that she went on a vacation. I felt bad for Lauren. Lauren said that even though she was rich, had many friends and was popular she still feels lonely. She doesn't have anyone to turn to and no one cares if she's sad or upset. I then said to her. "Lauren. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always available. I'll always be here for you and I would listen to all your problems." She smiled and thanked me. I decided to sing a song for her. I grabbed her hand and started singing Perfect by Pink. We were dancing even though there was no music. She then became happy, we sat down for a few minutes then decided to go home. Lauren stood up and lend a hand, I took her hand and she started pulling me up with one hand. Then suddenly she lost her balanced and fell on top of me. I felt her breath on my face, I raised my head and wanted to kiss her on the lips, suddenly her phone buzzed. She had a phone call from her mother, I pulled back and she got off me and answered the phone. We then got into the car and went home.

When we reached my house, I thanked her and this time she kissed me on the cheek. I had goosebumps. I walked out of the car and she yelled at me "Hey Camz! If you ever want to try skinny dipping, I'm always available!" We both smiled and she went home.

Lauren's POV:

As I reached home suddenly I saw Chris, he noticed that I had this huge smile on my face and said "Oolalala, looks like somebody is in L-O-V-E!" "Shut up Chris!" That's all I said. I went to my room, and started realizing something. Am I falling for Camila? Do I have feelings for her?

Oh no! What should I do?

It all started as a game. [Camren]Where stories live. Discover now