The Rest Of My Rough Draft(7 to End)

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Sooooo, I did some extra work, and this is the second part of my rough draft. If you didn't see the A/N last chapter, allow me to explain. This is a ROUGH DRAFT. Everything part of that last part was THE FINAL DRAFT. So, I decided, I'll split it into two parts to avoid confusion. If you have already read this story before I edited it(today is July 18, 2015), then you can ignore this part and skip to the end because I have a shout-out and a note.

~Time Skip to Break Time at School~

10:15 A.M.

It was the break bell at school. I absolutely can't wait to get out and call my mom. I was feeling better after some math problems, it helped clear up my mind.

"Hey Shari," my friend Amanda greeted me.

"Sup," wanting to sound happy to cover up any suspicions that made be found.

"Oh yeah, nothing much, had a english quiz. Anyway so, have you heard about Skylar's incident?" she asked what I least wanted to hear.

"No," I quickly lied, "what happened to her?"

"She was murdered for goodness' sake! It's all over the daily news, how could you not know about this?" Being a girl like Amanda, she always needs to keep the gossip up-to-date.

"I don't know, I really don't." I murmured the last part. Great, this had just ruined my day.

"Oh my god Shari! How could you keep this from us?" asked another one of my friends, Joanne.

"I don't want to talk about it." I almost made it out of their circle but was dragged back by Ashlyn and Amanda.

"Shari, we're talking about a dead person here. You know that somebody who killed Skylar could go to prison and stay there for the rest of his or her life." added Ashlyn.

"You're smarter than all of us Shari." A tear slipped out of my eye, thinking about BEN. He couldn't have gotten into much trouble, because he teleported through the electronics. I turned away from them, hiding my tears.

"Ash, guys, I don't know if I could trust you with the truth." I kept crying, and they must've heard me because they came towards me. Enveloping me in a hug again.

"Of course you could trust us," Amanda nodded to the others, "right guys?"

"Yes," "Of course,"

I took a deep breath in, and out. I just settled on telling them who it is.

"I know the person who did this," A little at a time, don't give out too much unnecessary information. The three girls looked to me eagerly.

"And, this person did it um, for," I bit my lips, how should I put this? "He did it trying to protect me." I blurted out. Another tear fell out of my eye.

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