Welcome to Howler's Den

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"This is all he is giving us?" Derek asks as he flips through the skinny folder.

"That's all the Alpha has on the subject." I inform him, leaning back on the bed.

I'm sitting next to Greyson and Leo while Derek and Rina each sit on separate chairs. Rina is in front of the flat screen while Derek is in his usual spot at his desk. Luckily they were all willing to suspend their video game time to focus on the new mission.

Derek grunts, "this file literally only gives me Harvey's old pack, which was the Juno pack, his age, and a few pictures of him."

"I know it's not much but-" I start to say when Greyson cuts me off.

"The Juno pack?" He asks, "Isn't that the pack that you guys attacked and destroyed like ten years ago?"

"Ten years ago?" Derek asks himself.

He spins around in his wheely chair and starts clicking his keyboard.

The Juno pack? I don't recall that name, but at that point I was young. I had no business knowing the things my pack did. My father never shared any important information with me until I became the Vice leader of the squad. That was the only time I really had some value to him. The only time he was proud; until Trinity came along and stole him from us.

"Wow," Derek states as his clicking slows down, "Greyson good call. We managed to kill that whole pack off besides a few people. Harvey being one of them. That must be the reason he is a rogue, because we destroyed his pack."

"We killed off a whole pack?" I ask surprised.

I mean I have heard about packs attacking one another and fighting over territory and for dominance, but killing a whole pack? My stomach turns a bit at the thought. All those innocent people...

"Yeah," Derek states, "This isn't the first time either Lucia. You should know that as the Beta's daughter."

I can feel my cheeks grow pink, "Well he never really shared anything with me. He left my mom and I in the dark about most things."

He shrugs, "Well I guess it doesn't really matter now. As long as you know about it. But now that I'm looking, it appears that Harvey was the Alpha's second son. No wonder he is so strong and such a big threat to our pack."

I hear a small giggle. "Wow! Good job Greyson for being able to fend off an Alpha's son!" Rina says happily from her seat. She is still holding a controller in her hand.

From the corner of my eye, I see Leo glance at Greyson. He looks a little grumpy from Rina's comment. Is this the jealousy thing that Mom was talking about? If so, then that means Leo's and Rina's relationship is improving.  The face that Leo is making is so cute. It makes me want to laugh at his adorableness, but Greyson already scolded me for emasculating him the other day. Looks like I will have to stay quiet this time.

Greyson laughs, "Yeah well the adrenaline really kicked in when my wolf knew we were in trouble."

I roll my eyes and add, "Oh stop being so modest Greyson."

"I'm not being modest!" He quickly defends himself.

Rina and I giggle, "Sure, sure. Whatever you say macho man," I add with a wink.

He grunts and makes a little pouty face. The contrast between his dark hair and bright emerald eyes makes him that much more handsome. His sad little face is adorable though.  It's so cute that I just want to kiss him on those pouty lips.

Wait. Hold up.

Why am I thinking like that? Especially now. We are in front of a bunch of people! Honestly, what is wrong with my head lately? It's freaking me out.

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