Chapter 1

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I don't remember how I got here.

The warmth of the bath water caressing my cold skin. My eye lids were heavy. I try to speak, but no words escaped my lips. I felt hands on my shoulders, pulling me up, so my head was out of the water. I heard a soft voice speak to me, but the words weren't clear. I struggled to keep my eyes open, only to fail as everything went black.


"What have you done?"

It was a male voice.

"I'm sorry. She was bloody and cold! I couldn't deny her at least a warm bath and some food!"

Another male voice.

I try to force my eyes open, only to see a blurry image of two tall men standing on the other side of the room.

"We can't keep her here!" the first voice said.

"Let her stay a few days, Harry! I will take care of her. You wont even have to speak to her." the other one begs.

I go to speak, to question my whereabouts. The only sound that escapes my lips is a tired groan.

"Great! The street rat is awake." One of them complains.

"Harry, shut up!" I hear foot steps coming towards me and then I feel warm hands on my cheek. My eyes flutter open, focusing on the boy kneeling in front of me. He looks about 20 years of age. His hair was light brown, and his eyes were icy blue. He grinned.

"Hello." he says, calmly. I blink, looking around the room confused and weak.

"My name is Louis Tomlinson." He says softly, "What's yours?"

"Ivy." I say, my voice breaking.

"That's beautiful." He says. I blink a few more times, before lifting myself up. My eyes meet with a pair of emerald ones. He had curly brown hair, and he was tall and lean. He stays silent.

"That's Harry Styles, this is his home." he says, motioning to the motionless man. His eyes burn into mine. I reach up pushing my hair behind my ears, my eyes still locked with Harry's.

"I found you unconscious outside the gates. You were all bloody and dirty so, I decided to help you. I know this is a lot to take in, and probably really scary but we won't hurt you. I promise." Louis rambles. I rip my eyes away from the emerald ones, meeting the icy blue's once more.

"Thank you." I say, suddenly becoming uncomfortable. "I really appreciate you helping me, but I must be going." I say, quite flustered by the intense stare from the curly haired boy. Louis looks confused. I push myself to stand, only finding how weak my legs are. Louis' arms shot out, catching me.

"You are not going anywhere." Louis chuckles. "You are extremely weak. Stay for a while. I'll get you some food and clothes." he states, smiling kindly. "Come on, you can get some clean clothes on." He says, taking my hand and helping me stand.

He holds me up, leading me down an extremely elegant and long hallway. The walls were a deep, garnet red with white lines running along the corners. The floor was a cream colored tile that sparkled in the bright lights above us. There were a series of photos that lined the walls on one side of the hallway. They were of men, the quality of the photos getting worse and worse as we found our way to another hallway. I was jolted from my thoughts by the sound of Louis' voice.

"Here is the room you will be staying in." He mumbled, opening the door. My eyes widened at the sight of the beautiful bedroom. Everything was white and Navy blue. I found enough energy to walk without Louis' strong arm holding my weight. I found myself gazing at myself in the mirror. I looked horrible. My skin was gray and tired. My body was smaller then the last time I saw myself. My hair was a tangled mess and bruises and cuts lined my body.

"I look like a corpse." I say weakly, frowning at myself.

"As soon as we get you some clean clothes and your hair brushed, I will get you some food and water." Louis says, opening a door and walking inside finding a pair of gray sweat pants and a white top as well as a pair of underwear and a bra. He hands them too me.

"You can change in the bathroom, or if you need help I can help." he says, and I shake my head.

"I'm alright." I smile and make my way to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me, stripping of my stale, smelly clothes. I slip the panties on and the bra. They both fit perfectly, which made me slightly uncomfortable. I pulled the white shit over my head and then slipped into the gray pants. I found a brush sitting on the sink. I begin to run it through my tangled hair. I let out a few curses as I finish, my hair soft and clean.

"Well" I cough, opening the door to the bedroom.

"Delightful!" Louis exclaims, smiling at me. I give him a tired smile. He takes my hand leading me back down the same hallway. We find our way into the kitchen, where I see a much older man sitting on a stool flipping through a magazine.

"Mr. Styles, I saw that you were featured on the front of all these magazines!" The man says, not turning around. Louis clears his throat causing the man to turn around.

"Oh, Mr. Tomlinson. I'm sorry." He looks towards me. "And who is this?" he says, a smile appearing over his face.

"Her name is Ivy, she hasn't eaten for a while I assume. Do you think you could make her a sandwich or something?" he asks, grinning. The man nods.

"Sit, sit!" The man says motioning towards the stool. I smile, sitting down.

"My name is Emit." He says, pulling out some ingredients.

"I'm the cook for Mr. Styles." He continues. "You have met him, yes?" he asks, looking up briefly. I shrug.

"Kind of." I say quietly. "He didn't say anything though." I mumble.

"Well you know how Harry is." Louis snorts, looking at Emit, who laughs and nods.

"Like all of you boys, you are snobby and rich." Emit says to Louis. Louis grumbles.

"I am not snobby. I helped her- Not Harry!" He defends, causing Emit to nod in agreement.

"I guess you have some kind of heart." he jokes, pressing his lips together as he hands me a plate with a sandwich and fruit. A smile creeps onto my lips, a giggle escaping my mouth.

"Ah, she has a sense of humor!" Louis muses, causing me to laugh a little harder. The door behind me swung open, causing the room to silence. I turn my head, looking towards him. He avoided my gaze, finding his way to the other side of the counter, walking towards the fridge. He grabs a soda and turns around.

"Harry." Louis said.

"Louis." Harry said.

"Are you going to speak to your guest?" He questions Harry. Harry rolls his eyes and looks at me.

"Welcome to my home." He grumbles. "I'm Harry Styles. Co-Owner of Styles Inc." He continues, his eyes raking over me.

"Thank you for having me." I smile kindly, popping a grape in my mouth. Our eyes lock, he looks as if he is trying to figure me out or something.

"Louis, buy her some clothes and get her some make-up. I want her to stay until she becomes healthy." Harry states, causing Louis' eyes to widen.

"Really?" He asks excitedly, and Harry nods.

"Thats great!" Louis says.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't get too excited. She will need to come to my office later tonight." he says, meeting my eyes. I look down.

This man has barely spoken a sentence to me and he scares the f uck out of me. None the less, something about him draws me to him. His attitude tells me one thing while his eyes tell me another. This has to be a mistake.


So this part was kind of boring, but it's going to get really interesting! Trust me!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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