Act 1

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Terini: Tieler's little sister. Her hair is black, eyes of blue, slightly tanned skin, very shy.
Salazar: Dark brown hair, brown eyes slightly tanned, hopeless romantic
Erik: Dirty blonde hair, green eyes, family oriented big mama's boy.
Enzo: dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, about the age of 7, energetic.
Seleste: Almond shaped brown eyes, long Blonde hair fair skin, olive complexion. Shy, excited soul.
Madam Perrier: Blonde graying hair, sick with a disease, very weak.
Sir Perrier: Graying, very rational old man
Vladimir: Tall, black hair, brown eyes Erik's best friend.
Yvette: Amazonia girl, Terini's mentor.

Whilst summer kiss'd th'fair air of Nypheria, a gloom parad'd amongst th'clouds. As autumn descends, fall doth tragedy. . . Hand in hand. From forth the depths of th'heart, passion reins, plunging through th'crust of detest. Now, swimming throughout th'sea of self-loathing emotion and spiraling into th'atmosphere of admiration, lovers [of an opposite identical] shatter life as known by all. With attacks from one side then th'other, like domino's they topple, betray'd by th'traitorous protection of another.


(stage is dark, lights began to gradually get brighter Salazar and another swords man are fighting in the middle, citizens on either side. Swords man falls.)

Citizen: Hurrah, Hurrah th'mighty swords man hath fallen. (laughter erupts from the citizens)

Salazar: (reaching down to the other swords man) I am friend not foe, however, if successful thy were in sticking my breast, a foe might have become of me. (he smiles a goofy smile)

Swords Man: Well play'd young sir, what be thy name? (takes Salazar's outstretched hand)

Salazar: (bows) Salazar Vanier of Pantanon

Swords Man: (bows) Erik Perrier of Theronheim

Salazar: Well, Sir Erik of Theronheim, I bid thee farewell. (exit stage left) (enter Seleste)

Erik: Hello, young mistress Seleste, what hath brought thee hence?

Seleste: Young mistress? Thy hath no need in addressing me as such, good cousin. (walks over to Erik) hence on behalf of thy father, I am. He calls out to thee.

Erik: Aye, go tither, let fall upon him the word of my returning home. (Seleste exits stage) (Erik looks up, puts his hands on his head and paces) must th'time be hence, dost thee long for my mother's amity? Will this day be that of sorrow, grief and lonesome hours fill'd with the emptiness of her? Go, I must, tither to her side. I fain would spend her final hours longing to enhance her pride. (Runs off stage) (lights dem)


(lights fade on. Erik sulks on stage he is standing in an alley way about to knock on a door)

Erik: (looking up) (aside) I beg thee, o great one, place claim on her soul for a time farther in th'dist. Prolong her demise, feed my greedy soul with her undying love. My mother, good lord, I pray, make not haste when ushering her to thou side. (door opens)

Sir Perrier: Erik my boy tis thee, come hither my child. (pulls Erik through the door walks him to a chair) sit my child, fear not my child thou mother is abed and as fit as the illness will permit.

Erik: (sitting) come now father, let thy tidings be perceived.

Sir Perrier: I have but found a lovely maiden for thee to marry. She is as bright and gentle as th'morn. Terini be her name.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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