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I wanted to run away;

to kill myself ,

to lash the world,

and beat it to tiny pieces.

I dropped my head,

while the tiny bits reformed...

To the real world

where I really belong;

Sadness, anger, and pain

All were called hatred.

The paper mache's curdled.

The paint dried

The paintbrush hardened

The whole thing were cold and lifeless.

The atmosphere; so heavy.

Everything at slow motion

I hardly breathed.

I'm just hearing my heart beat.

The  ignition was on my heart,

igniting once more; unstoppable. 

The world was angry to me.

All I do seemed so wrong.

I wanted to run,

but my feet seemed so heavy.

Every step, every move, I'm pulled

Succumb back to the black-hole...

To the darkness where I truly belong.

I was lifeless,

I was nothing,

but darkness .

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