Now: Twenty Eight

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Hi sweet readers! Thank you so much for getting this far. I want to answer a few questions: yes this story is all written. I know the chapters are sometimes short and that's not everyone's preference but it's how I wrote it, so thanks for being sweet about it. I don't know how many chapters there will be because I haven't uploaded it all yet, but there are lots of twists and turns left. Yes you will see more romance without Teh Sexx -- everything so far between them is done in the context and space of their lives now. Thank you for all your votes & comments. I had no expectations when I started posting this that anyone other than my bestie would read it. I wrote it for myself on a trip to Scotland while visiting castle after castle and could not stop imagining our favorite adoraboy with dimples as a prince falling in love with a common girl. A trope done with castles? Sure why not. Send intervention or Jesus, idek which. Maybe both. And to answer the question that I know is coming: no, I did not expect this chapter to come as a surprise to any of you. *jedi wave* This isn't the twist you're looking for. ~Spark

Mary helps me to my cot, puts a cool cloth over my brow.

For the next two days, I can barely keep a sip of broth down, let alone bread or ale.

"Only a boy could have you this way," Mary whispers, returning from the ale house to check on me. "Sick all day."

I assume she means the broken heart but then her hand presses to my belly.

"I'll take you to Catroina when night falls."

I look up at her, my mind slow to follow.

Catroina, the midwife.

My stomach drops out.

Of course.

Of course.

"Oh, God," I groan, overwhelmed in an instant with blistering misery and brilliant joy.

"It'll be all right, Catie. I'll take care of you."


I wake to the sound of my sister's voice in the kitchen, just outside our sleeping quarters.

"She's fine," she whispers. "But I know he's ready. Have you seen his face when he gazes at her?"

"I have," Da agrees, confusion bringing his voice higher. "But don't you care to wed before your younger sister takes a husband? Niall is a good match for you. He's quiet, and strong. It is the best order of things."

"I want Catie sorted soon," she says, gently. "And Niall shouldn't worry about a new wife while his mother dies."

"Is there something you're not telling me, Mary Josephine? Is Cathryn all right?"

"Yes, Da," she lies, and I knew how it burns her to do it. "Catie is good. Liam has a house of his own past the field. He's two and twenty. He's handsome and will take care of her. Spring is nearly over. Let her wed now. I'll wed in the autumn."

"I'll take your mother there in the morning," he says, some unknown sadness coloring his voice. Maybe just from knowing a daughter is well and truly leaving his home.

Mary returns to our room, climbing into my cot with me.

"It's settled," she whispers, pulling me to her.

I curl into her chest, clutching her gown as sobs tear through me.

I am grateful.

I am shattered.

"Stay awake, pet. We need to go this night to-"

"I don't want to go yet," I say into the cloth of her gown. "I don't want anyone but you to know until he knows, too."

I hear her mouth open and close in surprise, words forming in her head but held back.

"He loves me," I answer before she has to ask.

"He's always loved you."

I pull away to look at her face. Her blue eyes are alight in the darkness.

"You knew?"

"I suspect most have noticed."

"Do others know that we-?"

"No," she interrupts. "Never."

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