Chapter 1 introducon

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One day their was a happy sloth who love to sit in a tree he ate fruit from the tree. But then one day some ugly construction workers cut Down his tree so then he screamed at the vfghgvvhgcghchgchgfjgfhgfugjhguhfgfugfutfugvugfugfgufufugfgufugfgufugfugfgucugchgchgvihgstexfhihbhietestdhhgfh.
The construction workers just looked at him weird and then sloth got mad at them and bit one of the mans leg so since he took his tree sloth took his life.

Tune in next week for the next part happy dude 16 : D

SlothTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang