𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 [ walls. ]

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A/N: This chapter was like running a mile after real life took over. Sorry about the wait! I've dedicated all of August to updating, so be sure to hold me to it! In return, enjoy some Staddie, some angst, and some creepiness!

Song Recommendation ["Breaking & Entering" - Tonight Alive]

NOTE: For the full experience, I do personally suggest seeking out each song rec.

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Of course you saw her. The dead tend to rattle around in our guilt.

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Madeline did not like the new plan. The original plan was to go to the morgue, show Lydia the body of the boy who had been attacked, maybe do some feat of strength, and hope that was enough. The last thing Maddie wanted was to head to the outskirts of town to find a real vampire. Unfortunately, as soon as Stiles had put on his turn signal to head to the hospital, Lydia had interrupted by telling them to keeping going forward.

Maddie had tried to argue it but Lydia had kept repeating the same thing over and over, more fervently each time. "We have to keep going. We have to."

Now, they traveled uneasily on the long strip of road out of town. Maddie was getting more and more worried about whatever was happening to Lydia and why she wasn't asking more questions.

"Stop the car," Lydia voice rang out, firm and authoritative – so much so that Maddie had vaguely forgotten that it hadn't been that long ago that she had made the same order. It was nearly identical.

"Seriously?" Stiles grumbled. "There's not even any-"

"Stiles." Maddie was too preoccupied with Lydia's expression. Fear. Horror. "Stop the car."

The car stopped reluctantly on the second command, just like it had weeks before. The difference lied in just how far out of town they were. In fact, they hadn't even reached the large green sign that signified that they were leaving. Instead, they were only a few feet away from where it stood. Lydia scrambled out of car first, alarming both Maddie and Stiles who followed quickly after.

Without the loud, choking sounds that regularly came from the engine of the jeep, the night fell into an unsettling silence. The forest that surrounded both sides of the road was so still, the rustle of leaves in the distance would have made Maddie jump. It was the type of silence that only seemed to fall just before...

"What? What is it?" Stiles asked, his voice nervous. If Maddie was paying closer attention, she might have wondered if he was addressing her or Lydia, who was taking measured steps in the direction of the large 'Now Leaving Beacon Hills' sign.

Maddie's only took one step towards the girl, alarmed but cautious. "Lydia?"

"Did you hear that?" Lydia breathed, her gaze fixed on the road ahead of her.

The slayer felt her stomach lurch as her nerves spiked. She closed her eyes and listened, trying to will her hearing to pick up something. Anything. Still, the unnerving quiet filled her ears. Alert and only a bit frustrated, Maddie turned to Lydia with a worried stare. "Hear what?"

The word that left the fair girl's mouth was the most unsettling of all. "Humming."

Again she began walking, taking careful steps past the sign to the center of the road. Stiles attempted to call out to her and move forward when Maddie caught his arm. When he turned back to her with an alarmed look, she only momentarily looked at him and shook her head. There was something Lydia could hear that they could not. There was something she was looking for. Maddie was torn between telling her to get back and allowing her to follow whatever she was hearing. What if it was important? What if it was something they needed?

From Ashes ✗ Stiles Stilinski [#𝟏]Where stories live. Discover now