Chapter 18

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Dani stared at Jax across her face ashen, "What did you just say?"

"I said we found a male body," Jax repeated. "We don't know if it's Billy."

"Dani are you okay?" Freddy asked, placing a hand on her shoulder and causing her to jump.

"What are you doing?" she asked him. "Why you sneaking up on me?"

Belcher shook his head, "I told you not to scare her. He said this nark looked like he was giving you a hard time."

"What have I told you about keeping your hands to yourself?" Dani warned Freddy, whose hand was still resting on her shoulder.

"Oops...sorry. I forgot. Dani has a safety circle around her," Freddy joked.

"I thought it was a bubble," Belcher piped in, pressing a finger forward and pretending to pop an imaginary bubble.

"Hey you two," Jax raised an eyebrow at the Booty Pirates, "Do you mind getting lost?"

"Why? So you can interrogate her? What are you up to nark?" Freddy asked. "She doesn't carry pot."

"Pot? What the hell are you two stone heads talking about?" Jax asked, looking at Dani for help.

Both Belcher and Freddy each grabbed one of Dani's hands and shouted, "United we stand."

"Against narks!" Freddy finished.

"These idiots," Jax muttered, standing up.

"What have I told you about harassing Dani?" Oliver, the owner, yelled running forward and extracting Dani's hands from the two Booty Pirates. "The last waitress quit because of you two. Hands to yourself or I'll kick you out!"

"That was years ago. You should really let it go," Belcher mumbled.

"Enough!" Dani slammed her hands against the plastic covered table she was sitting at. She hated when people touched her and now Belcher, Freddy, and even Oliver had grabbed her bare hands. She didn't want to see their nightmares. On top of that, her mind was still reeling over the fact that Billy could be dead.

"I can't deal with this right now. Jax, let's go."

Jax stood up and she handed him his phone which he had left on the table, her fingers brushing up lightly against his. She cursed at yet another skin-to-skin contact. What was wrong with her? Normally, she was much more careful about not letting anyone touch her...not even accidentally. Was Billy's disappearance causing her to be careless?

Once they were sitting in Jax's car, he turned to Dani who was biting her bottom lip, "You really shouldn't be at the crime scene with me so just stay in the car once we get there, got it?"

"What if it's really him?" she asked. "I told you Derek did something. Why didn't you listen to me from the beginning?"

"We still don't know if it's Billy. Stop making crazy accusations just because you don't like the guy."

Dani shook her head, "You don't know Derek. If you did, you wouldn't think it's so crazy. For all you know, he could be the Maestro as well."

"The Maestro doesn't go after men," Jax reminded her.

"That we know of," Dani interjected. "I found classical music in his apartment."

"Lots of people listen to classical music," Jax was driving up to the scene. "Again, he doesn't go after men."

"A bloody shirt and classical music. That's not some coincidence. That's proof!"

"Dani, I'll play along with your theory and dig out his trash later. Does that satisfy you?" Jax exited his car and pointed at her once more, "Stay in the car."

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