Blasted pt.1

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Your POV

I was sitting on the couch watching TV, Y'know, the usual. Robin was in the back booming his Boom box. I tried to let it not irritate me, but I could hardly hear the TV! I turned, and he was sitting there bobbing his head.

"Can you pllllllleeeeeaaasssseee turn that down!?" I yelled. He just shook his head and continued. I grunted, and got up. I walked over and pushed the button off.

"Hey!" He said angrily.

"I can hardly hear the TV because of your boom box!"

"I can hardly hear my Boom box because of your TV!" We started arguing, and the rest of the Titans came in. They broke us apart.

"Stop the fighting!" Starfire yelled. We both stopped and looked at her, "You guys have been fighting for too long!"

"Yeah, it seems like almost everyday you have a new thing to fight about." BB said. We both looked at each other.

"Pssshhh! Nah!" We said together. Then the Titan Alert went off.

"Titans! Trouble at the new Construction site! Let's go." He started to run towards.

"Well see ya." I plopped back onto the couch. Robin turned around.

"Guys, c'mon!" He yelled. I looked back in curiosity, and saw them standing in the same place.

"We're not, going." Raven said in her dull tone.

"Why?" He asked.

"We decided..." Starfire started.

"Since you 2 can't get along...." BB said.

"And you're the least close on the team...." Cyborg continued.

"To send you both on the mission alone. To work things out, and get to know each other better." Raven ended the sentence. I turned, and got my knees to face them, and slammed my hands on top of the couch. Robins eyes widened.

"WHAT?!" We both screeched.

"Yep. And there's nothing you can do about it." Raven said.

"Now, get going! You have mission to do!" Cyborg said.

"But, please if you need our help, call us." Starfire said giving an almost worried expression towards Robin. Obviously I've figured out they like each ither, or at least Starfire likes Robin. We both miserably walked out. Once we made it there we found it was Slade's Robots destroying it, and stealing supplies. We started fighting them at one point I was thrown to the ground and the robot was closing in, but Robin saved me. As he swung by on his Grappling Hook he said,

"Keep up." I gave him a dirty look. I started giving it all I got.

"What does Slade, whoever he is, want the supplies for. I mean Pencils and paint can't really help him destroy us." I said jumping down from the higher level, avoiding the giant crack.

"I don't know. But I will find out." He said waaaaayy to seriously. I had run out of robots to destroy, and I started to examine a broken one with its face ripped off. There was some sort of screen. I looked at it confused, and then it hit me.

"Robin I figured it out!" I yelled as I ran towards him, but he looked as though he didn't care, and kept on searching,"I-" I saw half a robot shoot a laser at him, "Robin!" I screeched. I pushed him out of the way, and it hit me instead. It made I hit the upper levels side, and fall through the crack. Then, all I remember is him screaming my name, and then darkness.

Robins POV

"(Y/N)!" I yelled as she fell through the crack.

"Hello, Robin." I heard a far to familiar voice say. I went over to one of the broken robots with screen with his face on it.

"What do you want?!" I said hotly, barring my teeth.

"Nothing, now. I got what I want. Your little friend. She's very skilled, but wasting it with the Titans. She tried to worn you about my plan, but you didn't listen. I knew you wouldn't, because she's the New Recruit, and I know you don't like her." He explained. I growled.

"That's not true."

"Whatever you say. Anyways, since I knew she'd figure it out, and that you wouldn't listen, I'd have a robot shoot her. And I knew if I aimed for you, she'd surely jump in front, and make her fall right into my possession."

"Give'er back!"

"Be patient, Robin. You'll see her, soon enough..." and then it cut off. I quickly called in the team.

"Titans! Emergency!" I yelled in the communicator.

"What's wrong, Robin?" Star asked.

"Slade's got (Y/N)." I said darkly.

Hope you liked it! I made the pic. You're in the background (Black part of Slade's mask) falling through the crack. See ya later! Bye! ✌

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