Chapter 19

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There were men on the other side of the door, ready to arrest Holt and convict him of a crime he didn't commit. He knew he had to go, but somehow Holt couldn't tear himself away from Lizzie. Couldn't get enough of drinking in her features. 

She spun away. "You must go now." Lizzie handed him his coat and stuck food in a bag. "Hurry." 

Emma whimpered but her father pulled her to his side. "It's time, little one. Say goodbye." 

The child rushed over and threw her arms about Holt. He lifted her, pressing her face to his neck. "I'm going to miss you and Miss Ellen." 

He reluctantly released her to her father's arms and turned to Lizzie. Her mouth begged him to hurry and leave; her eyes begged him to stay. If only he could. But it would cost him his life, maybe even hers. The best thing he could do was ride away and leave these people safe and sound, not at the mercy of men who would accuse them of harboring a criminal. 

He continued to study Lizzie. He wanted so badly to kiss her but her father watched. "Sir, do you mind?" 

Mr. Tate grinned. "Go ahead." 

He kissed her, acutely conscious of his audience. "I will miss you always," he murmured. 

She cupped his cheek, her eyes bright. "Go. Be safe." 

His horse waited at the back door. He hooked the bag of food to the saddle and swung up. His last image before he rode away was of Lizzie with her father's arm about her. Avoiding the front of the store, where he might be seen, he headed north. 

The sun shone brightly. He should make good time today. In a few more days he would be safe in the Canadian Rockies, holed up someplace for the winter. 

God's justice, Mr. Tate had said, as if believing in that were enough. Where was God when Holt had been falsely accused? Why hadn't He intervened? 

Had Holt ever asked? Ever expected it? Given God a chance? 

But if he turned around right now and rode back to face his accusers, would he end up at the wrong end of a hangman's noose? 

He realized his horse had stopped walking, as if waiting for Holt to make up his mind what he wanted. Run and save his life? Go back and maybe hang? Or maybe prove his innocence and be free to tell Lizzie what was in his heart. 

Was his love for her reason enough to risk dying? 

He heard a sound behind him and spurred his horse into a run. 


He was gone. The words wailed through Lizzie's insides. God, keep him safe. She pushed thoughts of Holt aside and kept herself busy at the stove. But it was impossible. Her heart called her to go after Holt. 

And yet how could she? Who would look after Pa and Emma? If she left right now, could she even catch up to him? 

She sighed. How foolish to even think such things. She could not abandon her family. Not even for the sake of her heart. 

Pa tended to the customers in the store. It seemed unusually busy today as people stocked up before winter really set in. He came into the room. "The mail came through." He handed her several letters. She glanced at them. All from aunts and other relatives. "Go ahead and read them. Might serve to cheer you up." 

"Are those men still there?" 

"They are. Asking questions of everyone." 

"That's good. So long as they're out there, they aren't chasing Holt." 

He squeezed her shoulder. "Pray and trust God to care for him." 

She nodded. He went back to the store and she opened the first letter—from her mother's sister—and read it twice. An idea formed in her head, a chance to have everything she wanted. If she was brave enough to go after it. 

A Cowboy's Promise   By: Linda Ford Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin