Notes and Quotes

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Author's note:

A huge thank you to everyone who read The Sun and the Moon.  It's the first time I ever put any of my fiction writing "out there," so every time the little "eye" icon and the star gets pushed, I appreciate it more than you know.  Since it's a first draft, I will go through and edit/rewrite, but I'm also starting on the next book about Marie.  Again, please let me know your thoughts, give me feedback and suggestions, and correct my grammar.  Add commas.  Fix my verb tenses and add the words I forget to add.

As may be obvious, I had my own journey into and out of deep, suicidal depression, and I know it's a painful topic for many.  If you suffer from it or if you see someone you know suffering, please get help.  Help is out there.  You are not alone.  There is a way through it and I'm one who made it.

When I started this book, I was inspired by some Rob Machado quotes.  Rob Machado is a sort of surfer savant.  His words are very laid back and "surfer" but there are some profound truths in there too.  Ryan is NOT based on Rob Machado, but I loved the quotes that I found by him.  

"Things go and things happen and you're there, I guess." — Rob Machado

"I thought being completely isolated will bring me peace in mind but now I realize that it is people around us who bring our experiences to life." — Rob Machado

"Surfing is basically a pretty selfish activity... we ride waves because it feels ... pretty good. That's about it. ... But in the course of chasing waves sometimes we are given the opportunity to give something back... and somehow... don't ask me why but somehow ... it seems to make the next waves we ride that much better." — Rob Machado

"Every person and the events of your life are there because you have drawn them there, what you choose to do with them is up to you." — Rob Machado

"We dream of the perfect wave, the perfect job, the perfect house, the perfect love, and when we get there we dream of something else, and the journey goes on." — Rob Machado

(There's a great Rob Machado picture at: )

Love to all,


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