Zinks: Not Everything is What it Seems

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“We will not stand for this injustice. Something must be done. This wrong that has been done to us, must be righted. We must seek our revenge tonight. We cannot allow his evil deeds to unpunished. We will make him pay.” It was these words that echoed in my ears, torturing me with the images that I saw when I walked through the doors of my once cozy house. So much blood, so much that there were pools forming around his body. My shoes sloshed as I walked around the corpse that was left of my brother, my twin.

    It was my fault he was dead, mine and mine alone. He was dead and there was nothing I could do about it. I was too late to those people, the people who sought to destroy my brother. I just didn’t know why they would do this. Even if I had believed it, I would have still been late, like I usually am for things of important matters. A good for nothing psycho, that’s what they all say about me. The worse thing about being called that, was that it was true. I couldn’t even save my brother. I knew what they planned to do. I knew and I did nothing.

    If only, if only, that’s all I seem to manage to say whenever I think of my brother’s death. God! I just wish I knew why they wanted my brother dead, what could he have possibly done.

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