Chapter 5

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Another wasted day in school, learning about stuff, no one will ever need in further life. 
I sat in my English class, gazing out of the window (what a surprise), thinking about the night before. 

After a day of hardly texting, as we had both been busy with getting our work for school done, my “secret admirer” had decided to give me another call, exactly when I was about to go to bed. 


My head hit the pillow and I closed my exhausted eyes, shuffling around a bit, trying to get comfortable between my chilly sheets, when my phone started to ring. 
Guessing who’d be calling, a small smile crept on my face and I happily took the phone into my hand, glancing at the illuminated screen. 
Sure enough it read: 1 incoming call from: Unknown number

I hit the answer button, my smile growing even wider. 
“Hey there”, I chirped cheerfully, biting my lip to surpress a giggle. 
“What’s up, love?”, his smooth, deep voice sounded from the other side of the phone. 
“Nothing, I was just about to go to bed”, I informed him, blushing slightly at his use of the word love. Sure, he had already used it various times while texting. But actually hearing him calling me that was a whole another thing. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 

“Aw, should I play something on the piano for you again?”, he asked, a smile clearly audible in his voice. 
“Sure, if you want to. Judging by what I’ve heard yesterday, you’re pretty good at it!”, I said, snuggling closer into my duvet, getting ready to fall asleep to the soft sound of the piano again. 
“I’m surprised you even remember that at all. You were half asleep when I played for you yesterday”, he teased me, chuckling softly. 

“Shut up”, I laughed, blushing as I remembered what I had told him in my half-asleep state.
“Nah, I don’t think I will. You should though, love. Otherwise you won’t hear anything of my piano”, he said, playing a few notes already. 
I giggled quietly, but then kept quiet, listening curiously to the song he was playing. Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran, I realized after a few moments. 

Slightly disappointed, I noticed he wasn’t going to sing tonight. I pouted a bit, but said nothing, after all I was happy to just hear him play.
“It sounds even prettier than yesterday. Although I kind of miss your singing. You have a really good voice”, I mumbled when he had finished playing.
“Yeah sure. I’m not going to sing again. I just did it, because I felt bad for waking you up yesterday and I wanted you to fall asleep again”, he answered picking up playing the piano again. 
I didn’t know the song he was playing now, but it was making me a lot more tired than I had felt only a few minutes before. 
I yawned loudly, letting my heavy eyes fall shut, once again hitting the point of tiredness at which I couldn’t really control what I was saying any more. 

“I’d like to see you smile. I’m sure you have a really pretty smile. Or a really pretty everything for that matter”, I mumbled, smiling to myself happily. 
I wasn’t sure if he had heard me properly as he didn’t answer for a while. A few chords later though a soft giggle could be heard from the phone. 
“You don’t know what you’re saying again”, he said amused, still playing the song I didn’t know the name of. 

“Maybe, but it’s the truth”, I confessed earnestly.
“Hm, but how would you know I’m pretty?”, he asked, still sounding highly amused by my sleepy talking. 
“I don’t. But as soon as you fall in love with someone everything about them becomes pretty”, with that last sentence, I eventually drifted off into sleep.


I blushed as I once again rememberd what I had told him. I practically had confessed my love for him, without even noticing it! 
He hadn’t said a word about it though, when he had sent me another poem in the morning, which I honestly appreciated. It would have been just even more embarrassing to talk about it.

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