Chapter 3

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Wyatt awoke the next morning with a familiar ache in the lower part of his body. Brooklyn had left him yearning for so much more and despite his advances, she made it clear that she was dead set on making the rules. After her proclamation of control, she had thoroughly kissed him. Her luscious kiss had been way better than he remembered. Even through their clothes, he'd felt every crevice of her body as she grinded against him and moaned sweet words of seduction in his ear. Once he was alert and ready to strip them both naked, she'd yawned, claimed she was tired and asked him to leave. He'd then waited a couple minutes before he took the hint and left.

I need a cold shower, he thought as he rose from the bed and headed to the bathroom. Since his night hadn't exactly gone as planned, Wyatt was anxious for the upcoming brunch. According to the schedule he had reviewed yesterday, the brunch would begin promptly at 11am. Kaydence, Justin and the members of Elite Events had seriously outdone themselves with the variety of events they'd planned for the wedding guests.

While in the shower, Wyatt let the water hit his face in hopes of washing away some of his frustration. My game. My rules... Brooklyn's words danced in his head. Why are those words still getting to me? he thought inhaling another deep breath. He knew that Brooklyn was trying to bait him, and since he was trying to prove to her that he'd changed, he had to follow her rules even if he didn't want to play her games.

Games. Rules. Not exactly a part of my plan to win her back, but I guess it's a start. 


"Hey, buddy! You and Brooklyn have done a great job hosting this brunch," Justin said as he tapped Wyatt on the shoulder. "Our families loved the opening speeches you both gave. And the back and forth bickering was truly comical."

Wyatt shook his head at his best friend before glancing across the room at Brooklyn over his champagne flute. She looked stunning in her blue strapless dress, her silky hair was secured to the side in soft curls. "Yeah, well, I'm glad they're enjoying themselves and I wish I could say our bickering was just an act, but since you know our situation then you know it wasn't." 

"Come on, man," Justin said with a laugh. "Brooklyn was pissed when you stole her campaign and back then, and she had every right to be. I warned you to drop that stupid scheme."

"I know, I know. I was an idiot. But don't pretend that you weren't initially only interested in sleeping with Kaydence. Smash and dash...the way of the brotherhood. Remember?" Wyatt said leaning inward so the crowd around them couldn't hear.

"Okay, okay point made," Justin said. "But I remember the conversation we had when we realized Brooklyn and Kaydence were game changers. I said goodbye to the game back then and I thought you had too before the day you presented your campaign."

"I had," Wyatt said taking another sip of his champagne. "But a couple nights before my presentation she said something that changed my mind."

"What did she say?" Justin inquired with a puzzled look.

"It's not important. The point is that the next morning I decided to go with my original plan. Once my mind was made up, there was no time to take it back."

"Okay, so what are you going to do to change Brooklyn's mind about the two of you getting involved now? I know you've got something major brewing since you've always claimed she was the one that got away."

"My friend, you know me too well," Wyatt said as he slapped his arm across Justin's shoulder. "Convincing you and Kay to let me co-host the events with Brooklyn was not my only plan. A woman like Brooklyn won't accept my apology if she doesn't truly believe I've changed. She needs to know the real Wyatt Lexington. A man who is loyal and trustworthy not dishonest and deceitful."

One Last Chance By: Sherelle GreenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang