Chapter 17: The next day

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Landon woke up to find his mother already making breakfast. The air around him smelled like bacon, something his mother would do from time to time. He walked into the kitchen and looked for her. When he found her, Landon brought his hand towards her face and searched the skin under her eyes. After he found that there were no tears, he hugged her. At first, Laura was surprised but then after the shock, Laura hugged him back. She chuckled slightly.

"What is this for?" Laura asked.

"Just...just to say thank you for everything you have done." Landon responded.

"Oh sweetie. It's my job to do everything for you. You two are my babies. You'll always be my babies."

Landon thought about this comment and agreed silently with her. "Well, maybe you're right but, thank you anyway. Thank you for being my mom. Thank you for being so patient and loving with me."

"Oh, sweetie. I should be thanking you as well. You and Lance are the reasons why I wake up every morning."

Landon looked at his mom, then hugged her and gave her a kiss on her forehead. There were no signs of the woman that he had encountered the night before. Maybe I imagined it, Landon thought.

"What are you thinking about, sweetie?" Laura asked her son.

"Nothing," he answered back. "Just here spacing out."

Laura gave her son a weird look but let it go. She knew her son better than anybody, but she knew it was going to be better to just let it go. She didn't want to upset him.

"I'm going to the park," Landon said. "I'll be back soon. Don't worry about me."

He walked out the door and headed to the park like he always did. He walked past the field, past the grass, to his special place. How he wished he could see it again. He wondered if it still looked the same as it did thirteen years ago or if other things had already grown around there. He found the same bench he was sitting on the same day he had met Lauren formally. It had been two weeks since then. Two weeks, he thought. Unbelievable. Unbelievable that it's been two weeks and I feel like I've known her my whole life. I already feel like I can tell her anything.

'And yet you don't,' his heart told him.

Landon was surprised to hear this voice. I can't, he replied back.

'Why not? You trust her enough, so why not?'

I can't. I...I'm not ready to tell her yet. I  don't think I'll be able to do it.

'You're strong Landon. And I know that Lauren was the best person to have crossed in your path.'

But how? How do you know this? Can you guarantee that she won't hurt me like all the others have?

'Because I know. I'm always right Landon. The heart is always right no matter what you think right now. Trust me. I know what I'm saying Landon. The heart is always right. I'm always right.'

Maybe you're right, was Landon's last response.

After that his heart became silent and Landon sat there, just thinking. Thinking about everything he could have done, had he his sight still. But after a while, he just stopped, because he realized that it was no good, that with every activity he thought about, he only grew more sad and more mad. So he let it drop and tried to turn to something else. But there was nothing he could really turn to. He sat with his head resting on the bench. He looked up hoping that by some miracle, he would be able to see again. All he wanted was a speck of light, even a shadow would suffice. That's really all he wanted.

'What happened to love?' his heart asked him.

I guess I want that, too. Landon responded.

'You guess?'

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