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Seven months later... [September 2013]


to talia: yes, i am

to ashton: when will you be in sydney again?

to talia: idk

to ashton: i'll brb, someone just knocked the front door

When she opened the door, she certainly didn't expect to see her best friend on the other side of it.

"ASHTON!" she shouts, before throwing her arms and legs around him.

"Woah, hey talia!" He chuckles, winding his arms around her waist and holding her tightly against him.

She doesn't say anything else. She just wants to relish the feeling of being in his arms again.

It's funny, you know that saying, "Distance makes the heart grow fonder"? That's definitely what's happening here.

Tears were streaming down the girl's cheeks, and she had her face hiding in his neck.

Ashton carried her into the house, and after kicking the door closed, he went upstairs and to her all-too-familiar room.

Once he'd sat down on the bed, Talia moves her head to look at the boy who'd been physically absent in her life for almost ten months. Her heart was pounding, her cheeks were wet, and she was overwhelmed with so many emotions.

"I missed you." She whispers, pressing her forehead against his own.

"Really? I couldn't tell." He smirks.

"Shut up and let me be sappy ok"


She holds his head in her hands, feeling his soft hair with her fingers and admiring his features, which had changed quite a bit since she last saw him. Heck, when she last saw him, he was 18.

"Ashton, close your eyes." He gives her a look of perplextion, before doing as she says.

She takes a deep breath.

She just wants to try it once. To see if her feelings are reciprocated. To see if their time apart changed him like it changed her.

Counting to three in her head, she prepares herself for rejection.


She licks her lips, scared that they'd be too dry.


She strokes her thumb against his cheek. She'd never felt this away about anyone before.


As she pressed her lips to his, he froze. But only for a moment. Then, he started to move. His hands on her hips, his lips on hers. He was glad she'd made the first move.

It was slowly becoming more heated, the pair pouring their emotions into every kiss, every touch, every movement.

When Ashton pulls away, not wanting to take advantage, they both can't stop smiling.

Distance // irwinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن