Part 4

53 4 2

Not paying any attention to Juan I continue to admire my mother for the last time. 

"GET OUT AMBER" yells Juan. He grabs my arm with all five fingers and flings me out the room, as if I were to be the dust on a humans shoulder being swiped carelessly landing in my own destination. I end up with a bleeding scalp, scarred knees and that red burning sensation you get on the palm of your hands when you land on them. I quickly look up and I can see Juan racing to shut the door in my face. My eyes widden and my hand reaches out in reaction as if I were to grab something. 

"MOMMY-.."          *SLAM*

I quickly shift my head to the left as if I had been slapped in the face with a pan. 

Im trembling. Trembling with no control. My lips quervering fast as if I was shirtless in the winter. Goose-bumps poping out of every location. I crawl to the peek hole not caring if he knows I am looking. I see him open the dresser...


"Haahaa you had a little mother "daughter" moment?"

My mother stays shut

"Answer Me!" he slaps her on the face causing her to bleed from the right side of her lip.

My eyebrows arch. Tempted to stop him.

"You think your in control? Your handcuffed to a pole!" He giggles. "Im letting you die with all the regrets you have stored up inside" ..He gets serious

"What regrets" I whisper confused.

"What are you talking about" states my mother. "Oh don't, don't play that little game with me Marissa, you know exatly what I'm talking about. Want me to refresh your memorie..out loud?" says Juan.

Screeching those words with tention as if he knows that Im listening..

He slowly looks back at the door and draws his eyes to the peek hole looking directley into my pupil, my mother looks too and gets scared.

I gasp quickley and push back slamming my spine into the closet.

"No. no its okay Amber listen to this" says Juan "NO ,NO JUAN DON'T" my mother turns insane and looks as if shes trying to escape from a straight jacket. "NOO!" she screams "PLEASE DON'T TELL MY BABY!"

"Your baby!?" Says Juan sarcasticaly. 

I look down. Whats going on. I don't...I don't get it. Confused, I look at the palm of my hands. Blistered and dirty. Then all of a sudden they continue to scream..

"YES MY BABY" says my mother

"Haahaa your baby? I thought your baby died in your stomach 4 years ago Marissa! Forgot about that? You forgot when you met Amber in the trash can you where about to pee in after you were high at that party and you were driving drunk? Did you forget when you brought her to the center and signed papers to be her legal parent BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T HAVE ONE. You forgot when she was 2 years old and you cut three lines into her thigh because you were angry you got fired from your job and you finished all your pack of cigarettes which is why she has lung problems. DID YOU MARISSA FORGET WHEN YOU HUNG YOUR SO CALLED "BABY" OUT THE 6TH FLOOR WINDOW BECAUSE SHE KEEP PLAYING WITH WHAT SHE CALLED "Waapunzel Hair". Did you forget Marissa..

*Pulls trigger..*


Im..Frozen. My Tears..Frozen. My Heart...Stopped. My Sympathy..Gone.

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