Chapter 19 - Things I Can't Tell You

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Chapter 19

“Things I Can’t Tell You” By Roseyone

       My belated birthday cake was round, small, chocolate and coated in a thick smooth vanilla frosting. There were several finely detailed marzipan tiger lilies draped gracefully on top, loose petals also made of marzipan spilled over the edges and encircled the base. It was a lavish cake, one far too elaborate given its last minute nature and humble origin. It was closing time, the main room and kitchen had been cleaned, mopped, the money counted, conveyed. I’d just set my cake down in a cardboard box at the bar and wrapped string around it when Ben Crown slipped from the kitchen into the main room, he steadied the swing door with his hand and whispered my way from across the counter-top once he was certain that we were alone in the tavern’s main room.

“You don’t want that.” he said.

I scowled. I’d already told Ben and his parents that they were cowards, liars, lackeys and that communication between us had to be either business related or not at all. My birthday cake was personal, my father had paid for it after his private visit with Mr. Abel. Arty Crown was still in the kitchen while Nan was in the conference room with Mr. Abel and the accounting books.

“Buzz the hell off.” I said. Ben looked around the room, my hand went for the knife in my dress pocket, I’d removed my apron minutes earlier, I could raise a defense quickly if pressed.

“I would apologize for yesterday but I know it wouldn’t matter. Listen,” said Ben.

“You come near me and,” I warned, pulled out the knife adjusted my grip so that the blade stuck out from my fist at the bottom of my right hand. Ben’s eyebrows steepled beneath several creases in his forehead, he backed away from the bar counter even though I could never have reached him from where I stood without a substantial leap and extended bound.

“No…no…Amelia ,I’m not like him.” Ben whispered, he held up both of his empty hands. It was true. I could see it. I knew the Crowns were dastardly, conniving but Ben Crown was harmless on his own. I slipped the knife back into my pocket, my heart pounded, I shivered, alarmed by my reaction. I could do it I thought, if I had to, I could wield a knife perhaps even slash someone. I took my books from the shelf behind the counter and stacked the cake box on them. A quick look told me that Mr. Abel hadn’t returned my history term paper, his greed turned my stomach, hurt, threatened even when he wasn’t in front of me poised to steal my very breath.

“You knew.” I said. Ben shook his head slowly, looked at his feet, he said nothing to avoid or obfuscate his failure.

“Anything for a few bucks, Huh?” I said. I’d resolved to treat the Crowns with only a modicum of respect in public but privately, if they approached, I’d let them have it.

“Amelia, there are things I can’t tell you but that cake, well it’s just awful. You ought to ditch it when you get home.” Ben whispered. He was about to go on when Arty suddenly burst through the kitchen door and set a stern gaze on his son.

“What are you doing?” Arty said. Ben shifted his weight from one foot to the other, a sound tumbled out of his mouth, he shoved both hands into his pockets. With his son neutralized Arty looked directly at my cake box then turned his attention to me.

“That cake was made special.” Arty said, he transmitted something silent, unyielding, unconditional to his son. Ben pulled his hands from of his pockets, strode toward the front door, stepped outside into the night.

“Pulling Nan from waiting tables to the kitchen must have made things hectic.” I said. Arty began to talk but like his son a few moments earlier he only managed to mutter a bit before he walked across the main room, pushed open the front door and joined his son outside.

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