Chapter 7

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Narrated 'Aishah: that the Messenger of Allah SWT said: "The best of you is the best to his wives, and I am the best of you to my wives, and when your companion dies, leave him alone." - Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 3895


When Zayd turned into Marina Boulevard and Sheares Ave, I more or less know where we are going. And my suspicion was confirmed when he turned his car into Marina Bay Sands. Then it occurred to me that if we were going for dinner, there were no Halal restaurants in Marina Bay Sands except for two, which were Coffee Bean and a local cuisine restaurant. We had not placed a liking to the local cuisine restaurant which we think with the pricing, we should receive a superb meal. Although the meal was amazing but we could get better ones at a local coffee shop.

But I kept my silent as we get out of the car. Zayd opened the bonnet and dragged out a backpack. A valet came up to us and Zayd handed the keys to him. I eyed Zayd suspiciously as he held my hand and we walked into the huge and spectacular hotel.

We went up to the counter and Zayd show the receptionist his identity card. After keying in the computer, the receptionist handed him back his card.

"Premium room for two night's right sir?"


I stared in bewilderment at Zayd and whispered, "Why didn't you tell me we are going for a stay-cation? I didn't bring any clothes or my make up bag."

"Surprise?" Zayd whispered back, shrugging his shoulders.

The receptionist handed the hotel room access card to Zayd and beamed brightly, "Thank you and enjoy your stay."

As we walked towards the lift, I sulked, "Abang, I didn't bring any clothes. You should have at least informed me to bring some."

"No worries saying. You do not need to worry about that."

I frowned at him, wondering what does he meant. But I ignored it and excitement started bubbling up in my veins.

When I entered our room, I was in awed. I practically ran to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked 38th floor down. I could see tiny cars along the expressway and the bright city lights. It was just incredible. I turned around and found Zayd putting the backpack on the bed as he unzipped the bag.

"What's in the bag?"

"Our clothes."

I gasped as I approached him, taking the bag from his grasp and looking into it. I took out my make up bag, a plastic bag of my personal shampoo and face wash. I saw a couple of my clothes as well.

"When did you do all these?"

"The clothes on Thursday were prepared. Your daily essentials before we left," he smiled sheepishly as he sat on the bed. "It's supposed to be a surprise, of course I won't tell you anything."

My smile grew wider as I sat next to him. I hugged him tight and thanked him for the surprise. I felt a kiss on my head as he hugged me.

"Anything for my lady."

"So are we supposed to go somewhere? I'm quite hungry actually."

Zayd pushed himself up onto the bed and reached for the phone which was located at the other side of the bed.

"You mean we are eating here?"

Zayd raised his eyebrows at me as he cradled the phone on between his ears and shoulder. "Duh! There's no Halal restaurant here! But I promised after dinner, we'll go up to the Skypark."

We ate dinner beside the magnificent view and listening to soft music.

"Your dress looks familiar," Zayd commented as he cocked his head to one side and eyed my dress.

I had a black flowery sun dress on. When I first wore it, I have not start wearing hijab, so I wear the dress with tights. But today I had it with loose fitting black jeans and I paired it with a magenta hijab to match with the flowers.

"Of course," I said without explaining further, raising an eyebrow at him.

After a silent moment, Zayd smiled. "Ah! Our first date!!"

My grin grew wider as I nodded. "Bingo!"

"Ah.. I remember feeling so nervous. I wondered if you would turned out different from the pictures I saw online."

"So you're saying you're attracted to me because of my looks?"

Zayd chuckled as he placed his fork and knife on the plate with a clutter. He wiggled his eyebrows at me as he said, "Don't tell me you agree to meet me not because of my looks?"

"Well.... partly," I confessed, shrugging my shoulder nonchalantly yet my cheeks started to warm up. "But I was also interested in you because you said you love adventures. You know how I love adventures too."

"I said that because you said so."

"Zayd!!" I scowled as I pout my lips at him. Zayd laughed as he reached for my lips with his. It was a peck yet it quickened my heart.

After dinner, we went up to the Skypark where we can see the whole city area. It was a windy night so I had to hold on to my hijab so it won't get messy. I should have secure the hijab with more pins.

It was a fantastic night. We strolled along the observation view area to watch the different areas of the city. Of course there was once I saw Zayd glanced into his ringing phone, but he just rejected the call and put it on silent. I had a feeling it was her but I didn't asked. I wanted to enjoy this night without a thought of my problems. This could be my last wonderful date with him.

"I wished Raouf was here," I muttered.

"Don't worry. Next time we'll bring him here. Maybe we can celebrate his birthday here too."

I looked up into his eyes and I sighed silently.

Will there be a next time?

A/N: An update!! I hope this chapter entertained you. It was not much.

Nevertheless, remember to vote!!

Bring back My Sun #Watty2015 #justwriteitWhere stories live. Discover now