5 - Hangouts

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Zayn's P.O.V

I wake up this morning to remember that Avril will come in my house better keep ready! as I soon I get up from my bed I took a shower,brush my teeth,eat breakfast, and text Avril

Zayn Malik: Goodmorning!

after a minute...

Avril Lavigne: Well hello there :)

I nearly reply back because im hyper!

Zayn Malik: Im excited this afternoon! btw im going to pick you up or your going to me?

I ask

Avril Lavigne: im driving to you x.

Zayn Malik: Okay done! :) x.



. (Skip everything and go straight through the afternoon haha xx.)



As soon as I heard the honk that means Avril has arrived I rush through the door when I hear the doorbell ring when im infront of the door I fix my colar of my V-Neck shirt and open the door

"Hey Zayn!" Avril says cheerfully "Hi, c'mon in" I welcome her "Wow..your house is huge" her eyes widen "Thanks" when we walk we go straight to the living room "So what do you wanna do?" I ask "Well I like netflix,making songs,baking" she said "hmm.. how about we start baking" I say and she nodded we walk through the kitchen "Hmm.. how about 2 cupcakes?" she said and I nodded "Well we need 110g butter, softened, 110g caster sugar, 110g plain flour, 2 tsp baking powder, ¼ tsp salt,2 medium eggs, 1 tsp vanilla extract (A/N: This ingredients are real)

After we get the ingredients already, we start making it "Okay so first we preheat the oven to 180C/ 350F / Gas 4. Line a muffin tin with paper cases"

"And two we must put the butter and sugar in a bowl and beat until its pale and fluffy"

"And third we must take a selfie" I smirk at her and she took her phone out her pocket and take our very own first selfie "Say cheese!" Avril says and we put wacky face we took picture 4 times

"Okay let's continue, next sift the flour, baking powder and salt into the bowl"

"then beat the eggs and vanilla and add to the bowl. Beat until just combined"

"spoon the mixture into the paper cases"

"And now we put them to the oven to bake for 18 to 20 minutes until risen, golden and firm to the touch"

"Let's take another selfie" Avril says picking out her phone but I stop her "Wait!, this time it's my turn" I said and pick my phone out of my pocket  and took a picture

After 20mins it is done Avril was on the living room choosing a movie in netflix "Avril! it's ready!" I shouted she walk through the kitchen "Okay now put it out" she commanded, I took it out "Okay now  cool in the tin for 10 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely" she says "Okay"


After 10 mins it is done "I'll bring the tray to the livingroom wait" I said she was sitting on the couch when I walk through the living room "Yay! but first, le'me took a picture of it and a selfie with you" she says and I just smirk at her and took a picture "So what movie are we watching?" I ask and she look at me "My favorite 8 mile by Justin Bieber" she says "Why?" I ask "Well were both canadians and were both from toronto canada and like I watch it a thousand times so yeah that's 'bout it" she says and smile at me and I just nodded and sit beside her

After the movie, "Hey how about we make a song?" Avril ask "Me?You?" I said and she nodded "Yeah me and you" I just nodded "Great!" she said "Okay im just going to get some papers to write on and you go through my music room it's 2nd floor to the left and pass 3 right turns on the 4th right turn on it" I say and she nodded and we seperate our directions

Avril's P.O.V

This house is damn big so I guess better keep going I walk up through the staircase and turn left and pass 3 right turns and through the 4th one when I open the door the walls are red and it's neat I pout my lips thinking what instruments should I use

I decided to pick 2 acoustic guitars and that's about it I close the door and went through the living room to see Zayn is already there "So ready?" Zayn ask and I nodded







After we make songs I go home and went straight to bed tomorrow i'll post the photos that we take

Zayn's P.O.V

What a day tomorrow i'll post the pictures


What do you think? haha I think this is cute haha, okay im tired bye!

Let Me Go (A Zayn Malik and Avril Lavigne fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now