Chapter 45

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The winter months reached their peak with a blistering snow storm and a cold frost that froze everything solid for a several days.

Marcie awoke to an unusually crisp morning, that held still with the expectation of the warmer weather to come.

As was her routine now, she wrapped herself up in furs, stoked the fire and set off for the village.

There was less to do in the winter, so there were few villagers around.

Just as she liked it.

It was such a nice quiet morning she decided to wander around the lake.

The water was covered in a thinning layer of ice. She tested it with the toe of her boot and deemed it thick enough to walk on.

Aldren readjusted his trousers and picked his fur coat off the compacted earth floor. It was dusty in the shed, the air was thick with the smell of the herbs that hung from the rafters and lay out on packed shelves.

The girl, he believed her name to be Keena? Jena? Pulled her undergarments up and her long layered skirts down.

Her delicate looking cheeks were flushed and a few crusts of mud darkened her fluffy blonde curls.

Aldren opened the shed door just enough to peer out.

It  was still early, the shed looked upon the back of the tavern, so as long as none of The Barman's other children were round he could sneak back to his room, change clothes, then join the others with no one the wiser.

He glanced back at Jena? Yes he was sue that was her name. He did not think she would be telling anyone how she found the outsider skulking around the village in the early morning. Somehow he did not think her kin would look to kindly upon her taking him to bed when they were not wed.

Otherwise, surely he would have had more invitations from the other women by now.

He stepped into the chilly morning air, and looked over to the lake, the sun was rising just behind it and a figure was silhouetted against its weak mid winter gaze.

He instantly recognised the solid build and profile of Marcie.

She appeared to be slipping and sliding on the ice, and enjoying it.

Jena came up behind him and stroked his waist, then tucked herself under his arm and snuggled closer,

"It's cold" she said, trembling gently, "Why don't you come warm me up for a little longer?"

Not looking away from Marcie, Aldren said,

"Another time Jena my dear"

The girl froze, then carefully pulled away from him,

"My names is Kena" she said before stalking back to the tavern, stamping up the steps and slamming the door behind her.


Aldren gave it little thought as he made his way towards Marcie.

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