Chapter 15

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It's Monday morning, a few birds are singing in the backyard. Today is a great day or should I say " a good day", maybe it's more like "it wil be a good day" I hope. Jake is in the bathroom and is singing the song he wrote. He takes the towel of the chair in the bathroom and dries his body. He looks in the mirror. "I hope she likes my body, it's almost the same as John." Strong, smooth, sexy and muscular. his mind is constantly busy what Selena would think about him. In like 10 minutes he and Selena are gonna go for a run in the forrest. "Maybe I have to manscape my pubic hair a bit?" He thinks to himself. "You never know what could happen" No Jake don't think like that, Selena is a decent girl she wouldn't do that, maybe, no, not maybe, she wouldn't, I think, darn. Just do it but not for that reason Jake just because you like to look good. For her? no.... yeah, no maybe..... but also just because I like it when my body is good looking. You know what I ask John. Jake takes his Phone and send John a text.

Jake- hey John what did you guys do last night :P ? 

John - Hey dude, hahah we kissed man :)

Jake- No way, dude again hahah she is cute right.?

John- Yeah man hahah but hey she is mine... 

Jake- Hahah don't worry man, I'm gonna go for a run with Selena today.

John- wow dude awesome !! don't do stupid things hahah.

Jake- But I wanted to ask you joke man serious.

John- Whats up man?

Jake- Do you think I have to shave or not shave but more man scape my pubic hair. It's a bit long. And it's not that I think there is something going to happen with Selena she wouldn't do that. But more like yeah... I don't know.. just to be sure you know?


John- Last seen at 10:15 

"NO dude not now I have to know grrr I hate it when this happens." 

John- Yeah dude I think you should do it. I mean maybe something happens... you never know your shorts fall off.... or.. or a beer is ripping your shorts. And you are standing there with a big bush where the beer can hide in. That's nasty man. 

Jake- Hahahahah oke thanks man. 

"Ok time to do it Jake" 

a few minutes later:

JAKE ...JAKE..... There is a pretty girl here.

O no mom..!!!1 "I'm coming mom just one minute" Shit that sounds weird. 

''Don't let the girl wait to long Jake" 

Jake was just ready with everything in the bathroom. He puts some running clothes on, and went downstairs. He looks just one more time in the mirror, and then walked to the kitchen, where Selena was sitting at the table. Wow she looks sexy in those skinny running sport clothes. Don't get a boner Jake not now. "He Selena."He blushed" Hey Jake, are you ready" She smiled. O men that beautiful smile. "Yeah of course haha" Shit man why do you say that. "Mom I'll be back when dinner starts." "O boy don't mind about it, take as much time you both need." Jake blushed. "Come on Selena" They went outside." We have to stretch first, just put your leg a step in front of you and leen on it." Jake said. " O, hihih ok just like this" Jake blushed when he saw Selena doing the stretch move. She looks so hot. O ..Jake keep it in your pant's boy. stay boy, stay boy, down down. Thats right keep it low. 

So after a few stretches they began to run. The forrest was nearby the house of Jake. "Do you mind talking while running Jake?" Selena asked "No no I like talking, I talk a lot, I talk always like yeah no I don't mind talking" Nice Jake nice move. Selena smiled. 

After like 15 minutes talking about the birds and bee's, they where running a little slower. It went from slow running to just walking. "Uuuh do you like someone at the moment Jake?" f*CK me why does she ask such questions I'm not prepared for that. Come on Jake jus tell her you can do it just let it go. "I mean there is someone but I don't know if she likes me" Jake why !!!! just say you like her. "O but if you don't know if she likes you why don't you just say it to her" Selena you think he likes you right, but what if he says he likes someone else. " Well..... I think if I say it to here she doesn't want to run with me anymore" Jake could it be more cryptic. They stopped walking because the road stopped. A Big lake opened in front of them. It was a beautiful sight. "What do you mean Jake" Come on Selena pull it out of him. "Well I maybe kinda .... I like you Selena" Good job Jake GOOD JOB. Selena stared in to his eyes. - In one magical moment they kissed. Selena's kissed him first. Jake was in shock. Selena was standing on her toes because Jake was one head bigger then her. She let is lips loose and looked him in the eyes. "I like you too Jake" Jake looked back in here perfect hazel eyes. His hand gently  touched her cheek, his fingers went down to her chin and held up here head. He looked at her lips and back to her eyes. "You are so perfect" She blushed. she held up her head and his hand went behind her head. He kissed her gently and sweet on the cheek and looked her again in the eyes. He kissed her on the lips and looked again in her eyes. It was so perfect in that moment. They kissed again and again. His hand was behind her head strangled in her hair, and the other one on her hip.....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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