The Power of Love 49: Roll Coasters

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Author's Note: External link to Asiah's baby shower outfit

Two Months Later

**Asiah's POV**

“I don't wanna do this” I whine

“C'mon Asiah it will be fun” Kady says with a light blue blindfold in her hand

I groan “My feet are swollen and I have to pee every five minutes  then I have to listen to everyone tell me how this is such a blessing and miracle...and all I wanna do is lay my fat ass on my couch and eat ice cream”

Kady laughs “You can do all  that tomorrow I promise”

“Fine, but do I have to wear the blindfold?”

“Yes, it's suppose to be a surprise”


She puts the blindfold over my eyes “Can you see anything?”


“Great let's go” Kady says helping me in the car

**Chris' POV**

Charity's phone rings three times before she answers

“Hi Chris”

“What took you so long to answer?” I ask

“Chris, I'm a a baby shower trying to enjoy myself”

“I know but I'm just trying to make sure you and Chris Junior are okay”

“We're fine and we're not calling our baby Chris Junior”

“What? Why not?”

“We don't know the sex of the baby yet”

“Fine we'll just call the baby CC”

Charity laughs “Goodbye Chris”

“That wasn't a no” I say smiling

"Goodbye Chris"

"Bye babe, love you"

"Love you too"

**Drake's POV**

“It's okay Brianna, daddy's right here” I say walking around the nursery cradling my two month daughter in my arms

That's when I start to hear Noah cries so I got to his bedroom but he's not in there "Noah!"

Between Brianna and Noah's crying I can't determine where Noah's crying is coming from.

“Baby girl I need to to stop crying so I can find your brother” I say going into the living room there is no sign over Noah I walk into the kitchen and see him sitting on the floor with a pot upside on his head.

I scoop up the one year old up “Noah, you had me scared” I say holding both of my children “It's nap time in the Graham house that's for damn sure” I say putting Noah down first then Brianna.

My phone rings “Hey babe how's the photo shoot going?”

“Great, I'll be home is being alone with two babies?” 

“Hard but worth it”

“That's good, I'll be home soon”

“Okay bye”

As soon I as hang up I get a text from Jasmine “How's my baby?”

She's great I just putter her down for a nap”

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