1 // Cash

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so yeah, i had to delete the wipe my tablet (the one the chapter i was waiting to get back to save it on wifi) and im really sad because it was good and shit and :( sad faces all around yo. and also each of the ships are at different times so like cash is a year later and let's say catthew is only a month later (its not just roll with it tho)... so yeah. i also got a lot of confusing on if Cameron was a assassin in the first place or if he wants to be, let me explain. Cameron is a assassin, he was an assassin BEFORE he met nash, as in he has been for a while and the government has called him away on a mission and don't know that he has a 'boyfriend' since he 'isn't suppose to get into relationships' because its 'collateral damage'. so yeah... 



"Please, Mayes! Oh god baby, please! Shhh, daddy is here!" I sobbed as I held my daughter close to my chest, attempting to quiet her down. She continued to cry and hiccup as I rubbed the bottle against her lips to get her to suck. 

I had been living in the apartment Cameron had said I could live in, his, and like he promised money came. Not enough to take care of Mayes but enough for me so I have to go out and find a job here soon. 

I hiccuped as more tears came down, I can't keep doing this every night; for the past 3 months Mayes has been here this has happened. They call it Postnatal Depression, fuck that, it's depression. I had it before I was pregnant and I have it now. 

I had made the decision that going to school would make my life worse, so I took online classes, finishing my senior year online was the best thing I ever done. I am now attending a online technical college and I am applying for a job at the library as soon as possible, since I'm attending college they'll let me take the job. 

"Daddy is here, baby-doll! P-please s-stop c-crying!" I hiccuped again, my voice cracking. She soon calmed down after I said 'baby-doll'.

 "Daddy loves you baby-doll. So does your other daddy." I sniffed. She giggled, making grabby hands at me. I lowered my face and her tiny hands grabbed my cheeks. 

"Daddy loves you, Baby-doll." I whispered, her giggling grew and I realized for the first time; I never wanna let this go. 


"If you keep building these walls, brick by brick, towers so tall. Soon I won't see you at all, till the concrete angel falls." I sang, slightly off key, to the CD in the car. I had bought a car with the saved up extra money that Cameron had been sending me. 

I sighed as I pulled up to the large library, I always enjoyed reading and quiet places, even more so quiet places now. I can't believe I am a father now. My mother always told me I'd never amount to anything, now I couldn't imagine amounting to anything bigger than this. Not because I can't do it, but nothing goes higher than being what I am, a parent. 

I got out and shut my door. Mayes was at daycare, getting handled by someone else, didn't quite like the idea but I needed it right now. When I walked into the big building a woman stood by the door, looking just as nervous as me. 

"Hi, um, would you happen to be, um, ah," She fumbled with her papers, her brown hair ruffled and make up a little smudged. "N-nash, g-gah, grier?" She pushed her fake glasses up her nose. 

"Yeah, and you?" I smiled sweetly. 

"Maggie. You're a little chubbier than I expected! It's totally cute on you." She gushed, me blushing that she noticed my pregnancy belly. 

"Yeah, I just gave birth to my daughter a couple months ago." I said shyly. 

"Oh, my girlfriend and I are trying to get pregnant." I breathed a sigh of relief. 

"What's her-" 

"Madison!" She grinned happily, more dazed in love than anything. "Oh-- Hurry we're both late." She squealed pulling me by my shirt to the way of the interview room. 


After the interview Maggie gave me her number and said I 'killed it'. Which honestly I did kill it. Maggie, I found out, is the new assistant manager and helps run things. She's only been around for a month, she just moved in from cali and suffers from sever social anxiety and mild depression. Her girlfriend went to high school with her and was the 'poplar bitch' which was followed by 'please don't tell her I said that', and maggie was the 'loner'. 

**currently killing myself over maggie and madison lesbian ship x-x....

"Your daughter is such a angel." said the babysitter, she was lying of course. Her hair was tangled and she had a puke stain on her shoulder; but I still smiled uneasily at her, she looked a little out of it. 

I clutched my little mayes closer to my chest, although I really didn't that was the baby carrier's job. I watched a older woman handle her reckless daughter. 

"Tohru, stop! You aren't a cat of the Chinese zodiac, because you aren't a cat!" The woman whisper yelled as the child licked the back of her hand. 

"I am a cat of the zodiac and Tohru is a boy's name!" She shrieked, the mother proceeded to pull the child along. 

**fruits basket reference af tho..

I shook my head at the woman, obviously she doesn't understand the imagination of a young child. I, too, then walked back to my car, putting my dear mayes into her car seat, driving back to a empty home. 

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