One Shot? Preference? Imagine?

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I myself, searching the wonderful world of fan fiction, have asked What is the difference between a preference, imagine, and one shot?

Those two words imagine and preference seem to be a very new thing.

I was scared to read any because of what might come up >.>

K, here is the explanation!

A couple sentences with a scene about a certain character.

So, a preference is a  Certain fandom with a basic topic for each chapter and a couple sentences for each character.

One shot
A story (usually an X reader) that can be short, long, or otherwise, but is just one plot and one storyline.
Sorta like a short story.

An imagine is like a super short, two paragraph version of a one shot.
That's it.

Really, its shorter (ish) version of a one shot.
It doesn't follow rules of grammar and usually is set up like a chat room

Hope this helps!!!

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