Chapter 1

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"So Ms. King, can I call you Chas?" The interviewer asked me. I smiled and nodded yes in response.

I'll never get used to all of this. It's been been almost two years since I've been discovered and signed by Chris Brown's record label and it still feels new and fresh to me. I wanted to keep it that way too. I wanted to retain my roots and always be myself through this whole experience and keeping my family close to me was how I did just that. Before every interview or performance I reflected and meditated on all my experiences that I had and the people that came and went in my life as well. I didn't want to prove or please anyone but myself and to make my family... My real family proud of me and to show how much they all mean so much to me and how they're the reason I'm here now.

"So Chas, let's get started with your music. We've all heard your hit singles 'Thanks To You', 'Curves' and 'ME' and if I can speak for all your fans we loves them. You're definitely a breath of fresh air and we just love you're vibe."

"Thanks, Tiffany. I'm just blessed and happy to be able to get them out to everyone... Let alone for people actually liked them." I smiled at this morning's interviewer. She was stunning, I had to admit. She had golden red shoulder length curly hair that went nicely with her dark skin. She was average size, healthy, with some curves but you could tell she worked out and maintained it well.

"Oh please. How could we not? Especially for women. You're songs... Were real. Body positive, meaningful and just heavy hitters. We love your flow, but we love how lyrical and witty yet at the same time... Deep they are."

Smiling, I felt my dark skin heat up a bit to what would be a blush if I was several shades lighter. "Thanks, that means so much, you don't even know... But to be honest, I just wrote my rhymes and lyrics... For me, for my soul, y'know?"

"You're welcome. Speaking of which, tell us all how you started writing?"

Even though, my past was no secret and it was at first a touchy subject, especially when it came to interviews, I knew it would always come up, so I had to just remind myself that it's part of who I am. "Yeah, well... As everyone knows by now, me and my sister were adopted when were almost ten... We were with our birth mom until just a few weeks shy of us turning seven... Things were... Rough and I'd never diss my birth mom, things happen... I'm sure she had her reasoning for it, when she gave us up... Then after a couple of years of foster care, we met another mom who welcomed us with open arms with her and her son - our older brother - Jason." The sad memories merged with the happy ones and I knew that it was all worth it.

"I know this may be a touchy subject... But can you tell us how she gave you and your twin up?"

I was expecting that. People asked all the time when they found out and I just wanted to get it out and over with. "Yeah... Things were tough for her as a single mom.... And one day, she picked us up from school and took us for a walk in the park.. I remember we smiled and laughed then... We got tired so she put us under this shady tree and told us to take a nap while she went to go get us something to eat. Being little like we were... We didn't think anything of it and fell asleep. When we woke up, we noticed it was starting to get dark... But our mom was no where to be seen... So we kept waiting and waiting..." I paused to take a settling breath before running my hands through my curly back hair and calmed myself down.

"So we wound up sleeping in one of those tunnel things... And we stayed there all night... Next morning came... Still no mama... We were hungry so we started walking around to see if there's any left behind food.... To make a long story short, we scavenged some food.. Stayed there at the park the rest of the day and when the third day came, we had no plans on leaving because we were waiting for our mom to come back... But someone must've called the police or something and said there were two lost or homeless looking kids or something... They picked us up... Couldn't find our mom anywhere, they assume she skipped town or something... So we were put in a foster home. Haven't seen her since that day... And now I'm twenty-four now. So... Its been about seventeen years."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2015 ⏰

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