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Chapter Two

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It was truly a rare sight to see Ellette depart with her precious wooden staff—one that could be seen only on the rarest of occasions—but as it slipped through her finger tips onto the bed of snow below, the realization of what she had done did not set in. Her attention was focused solely on the injured wolf laying inches from her feet.

It was beautiful. The most beautiful creature she had never seen before.

At least, not in the flesh.

Without a second thought or concern for her safety, Ellette dropped to her knees. Her heart began to beat a little faster, though the reason for its acceleration was not because of any fear she may have been feeling. Ellette's panic was entirely brought on by the wolf, who had been laying far too still for her liking.

While she quickly scanned her eyes over the beast to check for any sign of injury, her gaze was suddenly pulled towards the crimson stained snow surrounding it. She looked at the wolf again, had even inched herself a bit closer to locate the source of its obvious injury, but, still, she could not find it.

A single thought took root inside of her mind. That despite her efforts, it was probably too late to save the black furred beast. Its eyes were closed, and it did not appear to be breathing.

It was an odd thing for Ellette to feel as saddened and helpless as she did, especially for the very creature she had been taught her whole life to fear. But death was still death, and although every man and beast would inevitably one day meet its end, Ellette just could not accept it in her mind nor in her heart the unfairness of this creature being forced to die out in the cold alone.

With a heavy heart, she reached out and gently placed her hand on the wolf's soft fur. With closed eyes, she offered a prayer up to the moon, hoping the beast's spirit had made its way to the heavens above safely. But just as she was about to pull away, the wolf shifted beneath her fingertips. Opening her eyes, she was shocked to see the wolf's eyes were no longer closed but opened ever so slightly.

Ellette did not know what to do; it was as if she was frozen in place. But then the wolf mustered up what little strength it had to lift its head ever so slightly and looked at her with its amber eyes. With only a gaze, it begged her to not be afraid. Then, before she knew it, the wolf turned itself on its side, revealing the injury she had been so desperately trying to find minutes prior. Right along its belly was a deep slash that was releasing far too much blood.

She looked at the beast and could see it was using too much of its strength just trying to look at her. Gently, she reached out, placed a hand on its head and rested it on the snow. Before returning her gaze to its injury, she slowly lowered her head to the wolf's and gently rubbed it.

"I promise not to be afraid of you if you promise not to be afraid of me," Ellette whispered.

In response, the wolf released a sound, the same sound she had heard earlier, and was undoubtedly responsible for bringing them together. But it was only in that moment when Ellette realized the sound had been a whimper—a cry—not entirely of pain but for help. For hope.

How strange, she thought, because she had first heard that cry after making a wish for that very thing. Hope.

"Ellette, there you are!" Freya's worried voice filled her ears.

Turning her head, Ellette saw her three sisters running towards her. But instead of dwelling on them or the scolding she was surely going to get from Freya for running off, Ellette returned her attention to the injured wolf.

"Oh my, moon! Ellette, is that a—"

"Yes," Ellette replied, cutting off Raisie before she could finish her question. "It needs help."

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