Chapter 2

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I hate this wind Ava it's not bad it's chilly Hannah stated so are we going to my brother and caleb's stupid football game I despise this game I just don't get why people find it interesting just a bunch of guys tackling each other chasing after a ball hit guys of course you'd think that Hannah you know me so well let's get this over with Ava your back yep so officially like in school yep Veronica I'll be back in class on Monday I'll see you later in going to see up here with Hannah Kay see you later so ready to get this thing over with I hope the wildcats win I don't want to listen to my brother pout the whole weekend won't be a delight
Only 2 minutes left in the game we're down by 2 oh my god Caleb's got the ball never thought I'd be cheering for Caleb Yes a touch down we won this is great I ran down to see my brother Tay that was a great game I'll see you back at the apartment okay then I saw Caleb well good play its killing you to compliment me isn't shut up just take it and say thanks like normal people is that Ava Mathews God obviously I wish people would stop doing that one of Caleb groupies walked up to us great game gag me u thought I walked away giving them a look I heard her ask what's Ava's problem I walk away not hearing his reply me and Taylor arrived home so are you going to Jennifer's party tonight yea Ava are you sure that's a good idea yea it would be good for me to let loose ok I'm going to get in the show Kay Tay I went in my room put on some shorts and a tank top and some sandals walked out and saw Caleb making out with some girl his hand up her shirt walked back into my room and Slammed the door the girl said who's that Caleb is someone else living here because your roommate is in the shower don't worry about you better not be hiding a girl from me she that barged into my room who the hell are you I didn't reply she then jumped on me your a pycho how dare you call me crazy Taylor walked into the room she then ran out of the apartment Taylor that said why did put up with her she crazy she a good lay Caleb said ugh gross lets go to Jennifer's party now

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